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The Road Less Travelled


Settling in Altera

The road was made long ago, in a bygone age.
Weeds sprouted up through small cracks here and there. The night sky was high above when they rode past a tavern on a small hillside. Few patrons were about, and as the lone horse came into view, they exited the building with torches to see what was occurring. Nothing more than weary travelers that would continue on their way.
Further and further the horse trotted, soon it would tire and lest they stopped for camp, it would become lame. So he reigned in the mount to a small cove, climbing from saddle he now only noticed his niece had fallen asleep. He gently prodded her, attempting to awake her, but without luck he began to unpack. He placed the flag into the dirt, twisting it left and right to keep it standing, the flag of House conDoin. The sigil was a field of blue with two white opposing centaurs, as if ready to battle.
As he pulled his saddle-bags from the house, he set out a blanket and now moved to fully awake his niece. He nudged at her with a clenched fist, whispering harshly in the dark night 'Oi, E've set up camp, c'mon down'


Lord of Altera
Waking from her sleep after the shove from her uncle, Llilina Began to slide off the saddle of the horse. With glazed eyes she barely knew where she was, only that it was cold, and she was tired. Her pale skin began to jitter as an icy wind flayed the warmth from her shoulders. She stood like a stick clutching her arms, waiting for her uncle to say something.
'How much further do we have to go?'
She spoke with a trembling voice


Settling in Altera
'Not far' Dormen spoke with his gruff voice, wrapping fox furs about her shoulders. He knelt down and retrieved a blanket from the saddlebag, standing up to place it over her shoulders. He gripped them tight for a second, smiling at her. He turned and rose his finger to a constellation above them 'Father told me, many winters past, those are the. . . Mrmm..' he trailed off, forgetting clearly. He seemed quite frustrated at that, and ran his hand along his jawline. He turned his gaze down and frowned, thinking aloud 'We passed Josephs crossing a little over a day ago, I think that small bald-headed monk told me to keep riding for another two days before following the river Crisla until it meets with the ocean, and then west for half-a-days march and we'll be there'. He looked up with a weak smile on his lips 'War was easier than this', he then laughed heartily and loudly.


Lord of Altera
A faint smile appeared on her face as Dermon laughed, it always did. Her Shivering began to cease after being showered in Blanket and Furs. Her smiling face gazed up at the stars that Dermon had pointed out, Forcing a small chuckle out of her as he forgot.
'We better make a fire, I brought food with me. The least I can do is cook on this journey'
She trudged through the snow to the far side of the horse holding the blanket over her shoulders. Rustling through the satchels and bags tied to the saddle she searched for the food she spoke of.


Settling in Altera
Dormen moved off to a nearby ancient oak tree. It was incredibly large in size and it's leaves made it look like a mushroom cloud. He squinted his eyes and searched in the darkness, picking up dry leaves and sticks that he found. Not five minutes later, he returned with both arms full. He fell to a knee and dropped them in the center of what would be their camp. He pulled his leg out from under him and slowly sat down with legs crossed, leaning forward he began to start a small fire. With sparks here and there, the leaves caught alight and soon the sticks. The fire was small, but toasty. He reached out with a thick and large hand, grabbing his thick blanket, he pulled it over him. He turned, awaiting for her to cook food. 'Maybe some Count will need a good sword somewhere here' he said 'Could get us coin to survive'


Lord of Altera
Llilina Stepped out from behind the horse, a half opened stachel in her hands. Heaving it over to the fire she thumped the clearly heavy contents down and took a seat near Dermon. Digging through the Satchel she pilled out a cast iron pot, It was old and filled with all sorts of root like vegetables.
'Yeah, I could get work in a kitchen some where'
Taking a small knife out from the pot she began to cut up the vegetables, tossing the cuts back into the pot. She crunched on a peice of carrot as she mindlessly chopped up the vegetables. After she was done with chopping vegetables and a few dried plants, she placed the pot onto the fire and began to seer the contents before adding water. Giving the pot a quick stir every now and again with the knife she pursed her lips.
'We'll show 'em'
she mumbled as she starred into the bubbling pot


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
It was an odd habit of his. Nwalme had long ago took to walking between villages on his travels, if they were close enough. He had little and less fear of thieves, more oft than not they were some farmer or deserter desperate for food or coin, the latter of which he had more than enough of despite his somewhat odd attire. The cousin of his considerably more lucrative robe, he was dressed in a thick woolen one. He looked more wayward priest than nobleman, the robe died as black as his hair, with the symbol of Theodora hung on a necklace about his neck. He simply continued walking in the dead of night, slowly approaching what was apparently a small camp fire, his stomach suddenly feeling quite empty. He waited until he was noticed in his steady approached, lifting his head to reveal a well-toned face, lacking most any trace of fat, wearing an almost solemn expression. Eyes made up of a simple blue, now dark in the dim lighting, he would speak clearly in a voice sounding well-worn despite his young age: "If I may, dear friends, could a fellow traveler share your fire for a time?"


Lord of Altera
Caught by surprise by the crunching sounds of somebody approaching Llilina quickly flicked her attention to it, her hand hovering the knife over the pot as she refrained from stirring. Slightly weary of the man as he spoke to them, seemingly honest, but still it was odd. Her face held curiosity, even if this man was a thief or something of the sort it was odd to give himself away like he did. Most would keep the upper hand of surprise, maybe he was the big headed type? Thought he could take two at once? Who ever he was she was by no means comfortable by their presence
'A-are you armed?'
She spoke hesitantly, it was all she could think to ask


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Quite, my lady. Armored in the dreaded Iron Wool of my homeland, the demonic blade of Cheese-Wilt worn under my robes, it was good of you to ask." That said with a straight-face, although its solemn nature dissipates into a more amiable nature, and he continues after a pause, "I have a dagger on my person, beyond that, nothing."


Lord of Altera
Llilina smiled as the man poked fun, looking down into the bubbling pot she began to stir again. She kept one hand held tight onto the blanket wrapped over her shoulders.
'Sorry' She said still smiling as if silently laughing at herself
'Take a seat, I'm sure your cold and hungry'
Llilina Dug a hand into her satchel beside her, taking a bowl out and scooping it into the stew. She handed the first bowl to Dermon, scooping another bowl she held it out to the man.
'I'm Llilina, this is my Uncle Dermon. We aren't from around here'
She smiled to him politely, hoping to at least get some knowledge out of the man


... is very scientifical.
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Nods faintly, with a polite smile, as he goes to take the bowl and then take a seat across the fire from the two. Sitting cross-legged with the bowl in his lap. "Nor am I, truth be told, the temple I serve sent me here to prove my faith. I know little of the land, but enough to serve my purpose." The priest would eat slowly, seeming to enjoy the food.


Lord of Altera
Scooping up a third bowl for herself Llilina's stew was just about all gone, only a few peices of carrots and potato rested at the bottom of the pot. Sitting back onto her knees she frowned
'Faith? what does snow, rocks and Ice have to do with faith?'
she spoke genuinely confused, pausing from her meal


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Smiles faintly, a touch more genuinely than the previous polite smile, at the confusion. "I am tasked with converting the populace of this region to the ways of Theodora, The Huntress. I decided to start with the more tolerable coastal city nearby than with the more isolated villages as these are." He would pause to lightly pat the wooden bowl with his spoon. "If I may, my fellows, what brings you two here?"


Lord of Altera
Llilina's eyes widened as he asked, she took a quick sip of her stew and rested it in her lap.
'We are exiles from our family, my Uncle was despised by my father after he returned from imprisonment. Uncle left and I followed, now we're looking for work'
Llilina raised the pot with her knife under the handle, the light grew as the hot ashes were revealed from beneath the pot


... is very scientifical.
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"May Theodora see your goal accomplished, madam...?" The drawn out nature of the last word would make his request for her name blatant, of course, and I also do feel it necessary to put emphasis on the simple stillness of the priest's face, revealing... nothing.


Settling in Altera
Dormen remained cautious and quiet. Were one paying attention, his hand rested nearby the saddlebag that belonged to him, and with it the 55" sheathed claymore. He sat the bowl in his lap and ate with one hand that held the spoon, keeping his other free and nearby the blade. He didn't like strangers appearing in the night. While commonly he held no threat, there was the rare occasion of a bandit trap that worked similar to the situation he found himself in. He didn't want to take chances, and thus kept his weapon nearby. 'E'll take first watch' he spoke gruffly, placing the bowl down he gripped the midsection of the sheathed blade and stood up at his full height, a full head taller than the newcomer. He took five long strides out into the darkness, and remained standing, quiet. While his eyes focused on the blackness of night, his ears remained perked, listening in on the conversation around the fire.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Noble of you, my lord. It is my hope that I can spend the night by your fire? I have coin enough to pay, of course." The priest would reach into his robe, producing a... not quite hefty, nor particularly small, coin purse from within.


Lord of Altera
Looking a bit unsure she put her empty bowl down beside her and held her hands out
'uh s-sure?'
This man was a curiosity she thought, clearly priests run a whole different show in Altera, or this man isn't who he claims to be


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"No need to stutter, I'm harmless." The priest would simply drop the coin purse in her hands, and also reaches to simply place the bowl onto the ground. The observant may note how his left hand as simply been in his lap the entire time, unused throughout his.. visit.


Retired Staff
Far, far away, in the direction the small group had been heading before setting up camp, a dim, emerald green light crested the horizon and began slowly moving along the ancient road.