Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Road Less Travelled


Lord of Altera
Opening the bag Her eyes widen
'Th-this is a lot of money! how did you get this?"
She raised her head easily recognizing the faint glow in the distance, her eyes narrowed as she gazed over the priest shoulder


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Opening his mouth as to speak, but closing it as she looks over his shoulder, the priest would.. simply look over said shoulder. Turning back after a slight pause he would answer simply, "Ah, it would seem an old friend is upon us. At first glance he is a bit intimidating, so brace yourself."


Settling in Altera
The tall man turned, an echoing ring could be heard as the steel claymore is finely retrieved out from its sheath in one smooth movement. The crackling flames reflected on the blade, sending off a shower of sparkling orange light. He strode to the camp, with a single hand he rose the blade with ease, pointed towards Nwalme 'What is that!?' he barked at him as he thrust down his leather boot into the small fire, quickly putting it out. He coughed loudly, the black acrid smoke burnt his lungs. He slung the sheathed over his shoulder and turned to his niece 'Gather our belongings, and take shelter over there', he then raised his free hand to a small cave that accompanied the cove, its opening was no larger than a wolf, one would have to lay down and crawl to get inside. Strange green lights back home were a foreboding message; Necromancers.


Lord of Altera
Quickly shoving the bowls and pots into a satchel Llilina scurried off towards the cave gripping her blanket. She wrapped herself tightly in it, over her too, and crawled her way into the whole. The message was all too clear, trouble was on the rise. Pacing her breath she remained quiet, staring into the darkness only waned by the white of the snow.


Retired Staff
((Unfortunately, need sleep more than RP, so I'll be out of the thread for a few hours :/ ))


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... The priest would simply lift a hand, as if to ask for pause, and after several moments the green light would probably... fade as the creature departs. "A friend, as I said. It would seem he's chosen not to join us." He would look at the man quite calmly, remaining seated.

(.. Sorrysies, Baron, but this one assumed that the show must go on. Or some other phrase I'm a bit too sleepy to come up with.)


Settling in Altera
He took two strides, closing the distance between himself and Nwalme, slamming the tip of his blade into the ground as he leaned down, placing his face close to the strangers. He squinted his eyes with a deep frown 'A Necromancer? Your friend?', quietly he had growled. He was protective, not only was this his niece with him, but it was his blood that he bestowed upon himself to protect.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"No. I do not acquaint myself with such people." Lowers his hand calmly, so that both are resting in his lap. "With the threat gone, would it not be wise to simply return to our previous works? I deem it unlikely that he would return after so freshly taking it upon himself to turn around."


Settling in Altera
'No, we must be moving' he spoke, standing himself back up and sliding the claymore over his shoulder, into the sheath. He turned to the small cropping in the wall where his niece hid 'Come, little darling, we must leave'. He reached down and grabbed the saddle bag, quickly hurrying to strap it over the horses back. He rose his foot and climbed aback the horse, pulling the reigns he turned to the camp 'Where is the closest holding?' he inquired.


Lord of Altera
Llilina stood up out of the cave, still grasping the blanket around her shoulders. She quickly hurried to her uncle and climbed onto the front of the saddle, her legs on one side.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Depends on how loosely you define 'holding', really." He states such almost absentmindedly, reaching down to fiddle with the hem oh his left sleeve.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Head along the road, when it splits take the left path." Looks up at him, with the same still, calm expression he's had nearly entirely throughout the conversation. "Do make good use of the coin, dear fellows."


Lord of Altera
'Thanks for everything' She said with a smile followed by a bow of her head.
'Keep safe, priest' she spoke with a calm and almost stern demeanor, if it wasn't for her quiet voice you could say it was serious


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Ah, do call me Nwalme, my lady, and no thanks are needed. You helped me more than I assisted you." Stands, shifting the robe slightly as he does so, and bows to her.