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The Sneak [defunct profile]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Shes "technically alive" (I have a one-life-rule so this is very important) but I OOCly, legitimately doubt there is anything that can be done to save (whats left of) her and I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS CHARACTER ARC IS GOING

The feels train won't let you leave. On the ride forever.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
My suggestion to you, @Michcat is that if you really want to let The Sneak die, I would. It does no good on keeping a character if you have a one life rule and you bring your character back. Not only will you run into OOC complications, but also RP complications.

However. if you /really/ want to keep this character, then I suggest making that clear to the parties invloved with the RP, letting them know that you came back on the one-life rule, and that you want your character to continue living. As a secon suggestion, I would put the character on the shelf for awhile, maybe several months at most, just to calm angry heads.
Bro, whatever RP happens will happen and I'll roll with it, yo. Her current state is legitimately this strange sorta mostlydeadness (remember folks.. don't abuse fantastical potions...). If people didn't literally give it everything they had to keep her alive she WOULD be dead, bah! but those silly characters apparently had some IC issues with that notion, and acted appropriately.

I am trying to make it very clear that shes undergone a horribly long time without proper oxygen and a horribly large amount of bloodloss. Character is good as done, but it isn't quite 'guaranteed' so to speak. If RP decides this is where her arc ends, then thats that and I'm okay with that.
If RP decides that this isn't where this story arc ends then I'm okay with that and thats that.
If she would ICly do something that results in 'being shelved for a while' then thats that and... Yeah, you probably get the idea.

A big factor here is that I don't truly want anything to happen. At least no OOCly. There is sometimes a stray half-plan here or there, my One-Life-Rule (Which spells out that I won't be trying for any revivals of my characters)... But such a large bulk of my story arcs are pure undiluted roleplay. Thats a beautiful thing, to me, and I think I'll be 'going with the flow' until the end of time.
I appreciate your suggestions, and I realize there are probably many people rolling their eyes at/badmouthing me for all this sillyness, but this is my personal character and I'm not completely willing to submit her to the entire communities OOC whims :D


Lord of Altera
My suggestion to you, @Michcat is that if you really want to let The Sneak die, I would. It does no good on keeping a character if you have a one life rule and you bring your character back. Not only will you run into OOC complications, but also RP complications.

However. if you /really/ want to keep this character, then I suggest making that clear to the parties invloved with the RP, letting them know that you came back on the one-life rule, and that you want your character to continue living. As a secon suggestion, I would put the character on the shelf for awhile, maybe several months at most, just to calm angry heads.
Mich literally made this exact same lecture to me like. yesterday.
do u remember.

so maybe it was less that and more "gaby you should tell people when you dont consent to character death before its too late" "im sorry." shh you.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Mich literally made this exact same lecture to me like. yesterday.
do u remember.
so maybe it was less that and more "gaby you should tell people when you dont consent to character death before its too late" "im sorry." shh you.
... yeah, um... thats not what I.. :\

You know what... maybe I should just stop having characters haha..


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Haha yeah, but I enjoy having complicated characters set firmly in a 'reality' with stories that can quite literally go anywhere - and that just might not fit in this community anymore.

*Shrugs* oh well.


Lord of Altera
I appreciate your suggestions, and I realize there are probably many people rolling their eyes at/badmouthing me for all this sillyness, but this is my personal character and I'm not completely willing to submit her to the entire communities OOC whims :D
Oh no uhm . . .I didn't mean it like that. . .sorry.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
who knows maybe she will live and you can finally use that edgy poem!
muh EDGE
Well- here!

@Lannis @Elz @Arken @Uneasing @VanquishedVyre @blargtheawesome @Glados @Paintballz

Heres a rundown of how that RP went down, from what I've gathered~

Danniella had been recently scorned by the Undertow (Namely Drachen and Aewin, although Sophie((Psyduck is my characters OOC nickname because her name, Phydeoux, looks so similar to it xD )) and Harlow and others were present).
In a fit of rage and emotion from apparently world-shattering revelations (@Glados correct me here), she stalks the Undertow to Vera Vigi.
Apparently a few Undertow members + Joshua saw Danniella camped out skulking around Vera Vigi decked with weaponry, but didn't think much of it.
Psyduck and Aewin arrive after Drachen and Nylarii do, having been sparring earlier and delayed - this becomes important later.

Danniella catches Psyduck and Harlow alone about to have a heart-to-heart chat, Niece to Aunt, at the base of Vera Vigi. Aewin and Joshua had just been with them, but were nearby for their own heart-to-heart. She immediately begins fireing upon them, having the advantage of a sneak-attack (heheheh sneak). Psyduck shouts for Harlow to get covered behind her, busy locating the threat, and is subsequentially wounded while engaging Danniella into open combat trying to protect Harlow (An arrow gets her in her thigh, a bleedy gash) - largely in part from fatigue from her earlier sparring. Danniella and Psyduck exchange blows, and Harlow deliberates for a bit before running to find Aewin/Joshua.
Aewin - Joshua - Harlow start hightailing it over, while Danniella and Psyduck duke it out. But moments before they close distance across the beach, Danniella tries to get away while Psyduck attempts to stop her- and in the scuffle Psyduck receives a pretty damning ~3inch deep stab into her sternum. (Don't harp on Glados btw, there was some OOC chatter about if I was ok with fatal wounding and I said "Sure, I don't mind OOCly - Psyduck might though" )
Psyduck falls to the ground in pain, clutching at her wound while Aewin and Joshua chase Danniella.
Harlow remains with Psyduck, all "Oh goodness oh goodness what do I do what do I do"

While Aewin and Joshua are fighting Danniella, Psyduck bleeds out onto the sand. Harlow attempts to wrap her coat around the wound, not knowing what to do, freaking out (Poor Harlow ;_; ).
In an attempt to get Psyduck to Nwalme, Harlow proceeds to drag her across the beach... and up some stairs... while she bleeds out. Somewhere around the stairs Psyduck falls unconcious, having lost a lot of blood. Harlow is all "ohnononono" - Joshua ends up coming back to check on them, and promptly informs Harlow to "GO GET NWALME DON'T BRING HER /TO/ NWALME, GO /GET/ HIM". Nwalme had been just conversed with moments before this happenstance, and was contemplating feelsy things in his Inn nearby (little did he know it was about to get a LOT more crazy...)
Joshua desperately attempts to stop unconcious Psyduck from bleeding out more, as she begins to go into cerebral hypoxia and all that fun stuff. Basically dying.
Nwalme arrives as she is well on her way to The Grey Lady, two minutes into what is amounting to suffocation at this point (You generally die around 4-6 minutes, and after four minutes there is certain brain damage). Joshua runs to help Aewin with Danniella - its a mess of chaos at this point.
Nwalme desperately attempts to resuscitate her. He dumps potions into her wounds and force-feeds her them - Unfortunately, this character has used potions in so many previous RPs she has developed a history of slightly abusing them, and they aren't effective enough to save her.
Shes dying.
Nwalme freaks out, he can't hear a heartbeat because of how weak she is, he can't do anything more to save her, in a last ditch attempt Nwalme is desperately desperately searching for signs of life with ['dacted] and stuff.
Aewin has apparently left Danniella with Joshua, and arrives- demanding Nwalme give him some sort of status. He sees his all-but-a-corpse-of-a-fiancee and proceeds to lose it, shoving Nwalme away and attempting his own forms of resuscitation. He pleads and screams for someone, anyone to help - for his love to come back.. And delivers probably the feeliest line of that entire night- (Where Aewin was pretty much screeching "SOMEBODY, SOMEONE, ANYONE! ... help... " ) and aaghh feels ;-;

Psyduck has gone comatose by the end of this RP, because the potions weren't enough and it was a bit to late to save her... yet she was still dying, not dead.
the character currently exists in a 'limbo' state until we RP again.

And.. here we are.


Dark Council Elite
Please don't lynch me ooc for this the entire thing is ridiculously feelsy and I have perhaps the second or third most reason to have these feels because things ;____;
