Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The story of Navlite


Name: Navlite, his last name is long forgotten since he had no use for it.

Nickname/Alias: Navlite or Nav
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'7 feet
Weight: 70 kg
Hair: Dark brown, quite long, sometimes in a ponytail or just hanging down. Basicly anything that keeps it away from the face
Eyes: Green
Skin: Slightly tanned
Identifying Marks: A small limp
Appearance: Not noticable.
Strengths: A good hunter and a survivalist, no special features besides he is quite agile
Weaknesses and fears: Losing people close to him is the thing is the most afraid of. His weakness injury in his leg which came from a accident at a earlier age (16) as he chopping wood but missed and hit his leg.
Religion and cults: None, he has never been introduced for religion
Profession: Dreams of making an inn or shop somewhere in Altera