Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased The Storyteller


Lord of Altera
(( She's largely inactive. If you want to hear a story, poke me when you see me online- otherwise, she's gooone ))

[This is a one-life character]

Gender: Female

Race: Forest Elf

Age: Gran is wandering the Twilight Path (hîlandrai dó le àrmin). She doesn't have much time left.

How old does she appear: Gran’s beginning to look her age. Her eyesight is on its way out, and she is starting to lose all coordination. However, her Elven hearing has not been affected.

Weight: As she’s grown older, her metabolism has slowed, and she’s put on weight. Gran is your average grandmother size. Very pudgy around the middle.

Height: 6’0. Gran stoops over a lot, though- this can sometime be imposing.

Eye color: Grey, as is common for her people.

Skin tone: Gran’s been around for a long time. Her skin is creased and brown. With the same leathery feel that many old people have, her skin is dry and has many warts, moles and god-knows-what.

Hair: Brown, and increasingly wispy. Recently, it has grown more dull. (does elven hair go grey-?)

Voice: She says each word deliberately and with effort.

Attire: She’s too old to be distracted by something like fashion! Gran is often seen wearing animal pelts and soft, green-dyed clothing.

Current location: Azerport, with her assistant.
Pets: none.
Religion: Theodra.
Occupation: Gossiping, weaving- Gran sells advice for a coin.
Prized possessions: -

Attitudes & desires: ‘helping people’. Gran wants to grow old in peace. In her last 50 years, she’s decided to go out into the world and learn more about the human culture.
Gran prides herself on her advice. Always ready with a bowl of soup and a remedy, she thinks she knows everything and will rarely hear otherwise! Give her a coin or two and she'll listen to you talk all day, butting in to tell you her mind whenever she can.

Immediate goals:
- settle into Azerport. [ ]
- find and tell more stories. [ ]

Long term goals:
- watch Takeri get older. Care for her. [ ]
- die peacefully. [ ]


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Lord of Altera
~Traits & Habits~

>To be decided in RP as the character progresses!<

Life philosophy: there’s no problem a bowl of soup and good advice can’t fix!
Greatest strength: besides normal people problems, this is to be decided in roleplay!
Fears/weaknesses: -
Optimist or pessimist?: optimist, as most forest elves are.
Introvert or extrovert?: slightly extroverted.
Daredevil or cautious?: cautious, especially in her old age.
Logical or emotional?: logical. but her logic isn’t that great.
Confident or unsure of herself?: fairly confident.

(skills will be here when I get motivated)
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Lord of Altera

Takeri - What a dear. Without her, Gran couldn't communicate to anyone. Takeri is her eyes and her ears. @Iamanugget42
Alanna - Not knowing she was a forest elf, Gran thought very well of the woman. Thinks she is very kind and beautiful. @Sir_Ashington
Sankera - Seemed like a sweet boy. Thinks he and Takeri might do well together. @Sankera
Iteraldi - only knows that she's the one that takes care of the orphans. Predisposed to liking her because she listens to Gran's stories.
Chelsea- Alright then. @Tomato150
Murdoc - dislikes him on the basis that Earthspawn should have no part of Elven culture. @Kyle1322

Legends tell of a tale now long past. Of an ancient sword that, even now, lives with a mighty Earthspawn warrior.

It used to be bright. It fought for justice and all that was good- of the Sun's holy truth, before it fell to corruption and malice in the wake of Jishrim's trickery.

It has since been reborn, and used as a blade to lead the righteous once more, Held By Him. Not to serve those of the Sun, but those of Rahas.

They say it caused a great victory in the initial battles between those of the sun and those of the people. It is said that it even turned back an army of zealots with a single blow to their leader!

Outnumbered and out-trained, only the men's hearts steeled themselves for what had to be- nay, needed to be done. The blade did the impossible. It strengthened the men's morale to the very highest, and pushed back the armies of the Sun!
Those who once used it in the name of purity and righteousness were then defeated by the very same blade in the form of the undying will of the people!

Since then it has been renamed and reforged. Now we now call it "Ana'gorosh"- Earkzian for "Bane Of The Sun."

Legends also say the warrior himself still serves with the blade, and any who worship the sun may soon feel its sharp point at their throats.
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