Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Tide Rises


Settling in Altera

He stood imperturbable as always.
His cold lingering gaze fellow upon fellow captains and sailors within the tavern, who meekly turned away when glanced upon. He still wore medals that were nearing a decade old, from a time long past. His uniform had time and time again been miraculously saved by skilled tailors who continued to repair every rip and damage. He stood alone in the structure that smelt like a brewery, his crew had been given the ship and sailed off, leaving him here, alone.
He strode over to a lone table, his sheathed rapier jostling as he marched, hands clasped behind his back. He was no doubt a formal man, and his uniform gave the appearance he was still navy. His golden eyes moved about the room, searching for someone, but it was rather hopeless. As he took a seat, he removed a file from within his coat. Opening the yellow-colored cover revealed various old forms that appeared as though they would fall apart if someone touched it the wrong way. The text was handwritten, with a signature. It was distinguishable the signature had 'Queen' written, but the name was foreign and unknown. He began to place the paper one by one out onto the table, it was a list of deeds. He sat back, eyes squinted, waiting.

Shu Jing
Admiral of Durei
Record History
Found washed ashore on a slab of ice.
Conscripted into the Royal Navy as a sailor.
Given command of the Royal Navy resulted in high success.
Successfully militarized the Naval power of Durei.
Responsible for the success of Durei's increased fleet. Increasing the fleet tenfold.
Performed successful regular patrols, on multiple occasions preventing pirates from raiding.
Recommendation: High

Signed -
Queen Signaturai


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... As per custom with Nwalme, if he is not working, spending time with whatever lover he has at the time, or some other strenuous activity: He's probably at a pub of some description. Dressed not-quite-in-black, but slightly faded dark grey clothing, Nwalme steps into the bar with his short, curly hair. Approaching the bar with a faint smile, standing next to the man looking to be an admiral of sort, he speaks to the bartender amiably: "A touch of wine. Just a touch of it." He'd look behind himself, leaning against the bar, and looking out over the room before looking to the black sheep: Shu Jing. "Mornin'."


The door to said tavern is flung open, some surprised pairs of eyes glancing to the abrupt disturbance. From outside, a man appears to be harshly shoved within, proceeding to stumble to his knees. Said man seemed the rugged sort; the type to cheat you of your wealth, then stab you in your sleep. Raising his head, stray strands of hair plastered to his tanned skin from sticky sweat, he swept his dull and hopeless gaze about the pub, before falling on a pair of gentlemen seated to some corner. If any were to inspect him, they would note the signs of a struggle on his self: dirt-caked face, multiple bruises and cuts, and a fat lip. As he spat a glob of red liquid to the floor, another stepped inside.

This new arrival was naught more than a boy newly made an 'adult,' many would place him below twenty years. Reaching up to brush a section of his tussled and black hair from his face, deep green eyes would be revealed, reflecting both satisfaction and easiness. A serving waitress paused briefly to swipe her look to him, grinning quietly; this man had a rough sort of beauty about himself. Striding forth shortly - by his movement it was clear he was accustomed to the decks of a ship - he, as well, focused his attention to the men shadowed away.

He spoke with a loose voice, slightly accented by something of the sea.
"Aye, y'two. I've the one you requested."

One of the pair spoken to calmly inclined his head; indicating for the man to come forth with his subject. Hauling his 'companion' from the floor, this was precisely done.


Settling in Altera
'Good morn-'
He started, before he was cut off. His eyes squinted, eyebrows glowered. As the second man burst in, with an air of self-conceit, Jing's expression flickered for a split second. It seemed to be utter disdain, his cheeks had raised and his frown deepened. The once-admiral shuffled in his seat to face away from the man, now looking towards Nwalme with a wave of a nonchalant calmness about him 'Good morning, sir'


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Don't look like one to loiter pubs, mate- well, that said, I don't either when in m'working clothes." That said in the same amiable, friendly tone, as he glances the once-admiral up and down. He would say this after glancing at the man, but otherwise paying him no mind at all.


Settling in Altera
'Work is to be found in such a... disagreeable place' he slid his fingers between one another of the opposing hands. He leaned forward and scooted his chair so that he may sit closer to the table.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"So it is, I suppose. You look a bit more.. noble than these here, though. I tend to blend in when I want something from a particular group." His tone would.. clear up, for want of a better term, as he speaks quite clearly and calmly. Nwalme would then go as to sit next to the man, slouching slightly in the chair.


Settling in Altera
'To be respected, you must dress respectably. To respect the way you dress, is to show the respect you will have for your duty' he spoke in a monotone voice, eyeing Nwalme.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"I don't expect to be respected, here. But fair point." He would pause briefly before continuing: "I must ask what work you intend to find, though. Out of curiosity, if nothing else." The calm, clear tone would be.. unwavering, as per usual.


Settling in Altera
'If the local trade requires a first-mate, I can do so. If a Navy is looking for a Captain, I am well qualified' He turned his gaze downward at the papers before him and tabbed his closed hands on it, for Nwalme to read.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
And he would a touch quickly read over the writing before pausing and then responding: "So you are. Care to tell me how you accomplished increasing the fleet's ship count tenfold?"


Settling in Altera
'Piracy' he stated without a beat. He adjusted himself slightly in his seat, using his hands to pull at either side of his uniform, removing any wrinkle. 'At first, I took from a group of magicians, next I took from some fishermen. They weren't much for a fleet, I just needed them for the next portion. Once I had acquired the small crafts, my men and I began approaching docked pirates and navy. We took from them two flagships, and a handful of smaller ship-of-the-lines. If they cannot guard their own ships, then I shall have them as my own.'


The man, newly and calmly tossing a pouch of coin amongst his two hands, held a content and light smirk as he winded his way through the tables. Having worked his way to the two that presumably stood out the most in the mass of tavern-goers, he proceeds to ease himself into the chair beside Nwalme, slumping back and carelessly kicking his feet onto the counter, legs crossed. He tilts his head towards the mentioned Nwalme, addressing him with the same easy tone.
"Fine day for a drink, ain't it?"

After doing this, he spins his gaze to the barkeep, loosening the drawstrings on the pouch and inserting an open fist.
"Rum, if y'please."

He slips a small handful of his acquired Radiants onto said counter, awaiting his drink.


Settling in Altera
Shu Jing growled quietly.
He collected his papers, which came dangerously close from being stomped on by the unknown man when he had kicked his feet up. Placing them back into their folder, he leaned down and placed it under his own chair. He pushed his seat back, standing himself up he adjusted his uniform. Eyes watching the stranger. A scowl across his face. He began to move behind the mans chair, and with quick cat-like reflexes he swiftly leant down. His hands curled around the back two lower legs of the chair, and with a grunt of brute strength he moved to raise the legs back and up, an attempt to throw the man from his chair.


(I'm assuming this is the way the chair was raised, please correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit it!)

With a brief sound of surprise, he is tossed from his chair by the Admiral. From the direction of this and Shu Jing's strength, he - by no means gracefully - tumbles across the counter, spilling a fair amount of drinks and knocking mugs on his path, some clattering to the ground. A grunted noise of impact can be heard, followed by the groans of the man and the angry shouting of the barkeep, ushering him to get up. Moments later a hand grasps the edge of the wood, his body hauled up shortly after. He slowly stood himself upright with the use of the counter, green eyes now darkened a touch, sizing the other man.

After reaching a decision, he merely chuckles. Rolling his left arm, injured in the fall, he speaks in his common voice, it unwavering.
"Good arms y'got, mate."

He swipes a hand outwards to retrieve his coin pouch before it can be stolen from him, awaiting a response before removing himself from behind the counter. From around the room, the amused laughs of some sailors can be heard, whilst others simply mutter and return to their drinking.


Settling in Altera
'Learn some respect' he spat, flicking his head to remove a strand of black hair from his eyesight. He rolled his shoulders, straightening his uniform once more. His right hand slithered up to his hair, patting the loose strands back into their previously neatly combed position. Shu Jing was by no rights, a man of large muscular build, he was lithe and tall, yet to sail requires some strength. A bead of sweat drooled down from his forehead, the sudden exertion on the relatively thin man had done a number on himself, lifting up a man and throwing him. Shu Jing was a fencer, no brawler or brute. The acrid smell of the tavern caused him to ruffle his nose, his hand moved to sweep away the sweat as he turned his back. Making his way for his seat.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme would wait for the man to return back to his seat, before nodding in a somewhat.. approving manner, having watched the ordeal calmly. "I do believe I've come to a decision, friend. There's an organisation in the works, it wouldn't do to have you working against us- if you would like, I could inform you a touch more of it on the way to my inn."