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The Tide Rises


Settling in Altera
Shu Jing leaned down to retrieve the folder, placing it within his coat. He remained his back facing the man he had only just moments ago attacked whilst he nodded to Nwalme. He raised his hand to motion him towards the door 'You hold my attention. Shall we take our leave, sir?'


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"I believe we shall." Nwalme would then stand, pocketing his hands within the coat as per a habit, and he then moves to depart with Shu Jing.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I'm sorry, but you can't claim all this record history in just a backstory :eek: You have to rp it all to get that. Or do you not play this char in game?


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
He can claim it, it doesn't really mean anything though.
It does mean a lot actually. It means he suddenly has a lot of skills in sailing, is a highly recognized captain and got high recommendations. All of this while others have to start off as a guy getting on a ship as a potato peeler as a matter of speaking... If this is a IC character, I advice to get rid of all this background information. People are rping for months or even a year before they become man enough to be captain of a ship and you have to make such travels in rp anyway... It's not good


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. This one does not see reason to, as it's not something like just logging on for his first time with a demigod swordsman. And while he is highly recommended, supposedly, there's... literally nothing in place to say he didn't just write the recommendation himself.


Lord of Altera
There are the skills in sailing to take into account, plus all the boats/money he has too.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... He was actually given the boats and money by my lot, and I see about as many flaws in it as someone deciding that their character was a smith before actually being played in Altera.


Settling in Altera
Or, you can take into account this character is a year old. I earned my place through RP. All those things I wrote, actually happened, on a different server.


Lord of Altera
I did it with Lysle Rigger in May, no one seemed to have a problem then.
I'm guessing it's because nobody knew...

Usually, continuing with the same character is fine as long as said character didn't have anything advanced on them that a player would not give a character when starting a new one, I'd say. That is, training them to be a ninja on one server doesn't mean you can be a ninja here. You can have the same character, but without the ninjasity.


Settling in Altera
It doesn't take equestrian skill to point and order people around. That's all Jing does. Not all Captains could sail well, they simply knew how a ship worked and commanded where hands were needed.


Lord of Altera
That's one thing; you know how a ship worked. Plus, you must've done something to win blarg's group's donations.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
That's one thing; you know how a ship worked. Plus, you must've done something to win blarg's group's donations.
.. Back to the blacksmith example, they know how a forge works. And as to winning some work with mine lot, Shu Jing was taken on because he seemed fairly sensible- and there was no risk of too large of a loss- gamble obviously worked.


Lord of Altera
I don't see why everyone is getting on his case for being a "captain". Everyone lets the people who join the server as "Commanders" or "master tacticians" play their character, I don't see why he can't as well. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't single one person out for doing something if many others have been doing it as well.
If you can give me one example of a time in which people who are aware of these unfairnesses allow master tacticians and commanders to play roles in this game with these advantages and your point may stand, however here "everyone" and "people" aren't particularly backed up by much evidence.

Being as this has practically been explained anyway, I don't see the need to prolong this. I was under the impression that archmage_cataris had brought a skilled character with lots of boats to the server, but he obviously has not. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. :)


Lord of Altera
If you can give me one example of a time in which people who are aware of these unfairnesses allow master tacticians and commanders to play roles in this game with these advantages and your point may stand, however here "everyone" and "people" aren't particularly backed up by much evidence.

<--- His character began as the Grand Master of a paladin & knight Crusade, still was successful.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

Involved parties have been tagged, Management Cap has been donned.

-I see no issues with the skills this character possesses. Nor do I see a risk of Over-Poweredness, due to the delicate balance of in-game resources, IC connections, and roleplay ability this individual has.
-Backstories, skills, etc. from other servers do not directly factor in on HollowWorld. For instance, "I was a half dragon on x server so I am one here" will not apply, as it is against the server rules. I recall Archmage being made aware of his backstory from another server and how HollowWorld works. As with any backstory, the RP does not count for more then a tale he invented, but as with any Backstory, it is a.. tale you invent to give your character depth. If he chooses to use RPs from elsewhere, all the power to him, given they follow the HollowWorld lore and setting (no half dragons). Not every character will start as a wee babe. There IS a freedom of creation, and I will protect that freedom.
-Please stop persecuting. If you think there is a breach in lore or setting, contact ~Naelwyn, ~Legion, or Myself.
-Once more, I ask all parties to end their campaign against this character. I currently see no extreme over-poweredness that will upset the immersion of the server. If the user, like any other, begins to metagame and OP, the staff will respond accordingly. This has not yet happened.

If I see anymore harassment, misuse of the backstory, or general strife on this front I will respond accordingly.

Please take the above post into full account.