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The Tyrant King

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 432 of Life

A lone dwarf sits alone in a corner of a smoke filled inn room. The local keep is standing alongside his table, hands on his hips.

"I told you, we don't take kindly to strangers, now get out 'fore I throw ye!"
I look at him levelly.
"Iam just havin' a drink. Calm yourself down. I don't want any trouble."
He starts to yell at me again.
"I don't care, get out now! We don't serve your kind!"
"My kind?"
"Yeah, your kind."
"What kind would that be?"
"You damn dirty dwarves. Get your gold-grubbing fingers out of my inn, or I'll...."
I grab the innkeeper, pull him in very close, whispering in his ear."
"You yell at me again, and I'll break your head over the bar table. You insult my brothers again, and I'll mash your face in. And if you ever call me a damn dirty dwarf again, I'll skin you alive. Now go away before I get mildly annoyed."
The innkeeper stepped back, started to say something, then turned around and went the other way.
Some people have no sense of good sense, thinks the dwarf to himself.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 433 of Life

A hooded figure walks into the inn, crosses the floor, sits down beside the brooding dwarf. A sweep of the hand, and the hood comes off, revealing an aging woman, strong and weathered by a life of hard work.

"You usually conduct your business in a crowded inn?"
"Aye. I like ale."
"It's good around here......about why I came-"
"You have a job for me?"
"Yes. There was a raid. Soldiers from Kerand Castle. They plundered our town, left us to die. We've heard about the dwarf warrior who fights for justice. A merchant told us you'd be here."
"I have a price."
The woman takes out a small bag and tosses it onto the table.
"100 teras. It's all we have, don't waste it."
I pick up the small offering, holding it in my hand. Heavy with fate it is, full of the hopes and dreams of one small village. So much hope....

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 436 of Life

Rain comes down in sheets upon this land. I just stand, staring at the dark plain below. The caravan of soldiers draws closer to me. I bring out my flail, and set out at a jog.

I stop in front of them. They are a rough bunch, vile and evile looking, eyes glazed with greed and wine. Their leader comes up to me.
"Wha' ye want, dwarf? We'se jus' passin' thru, onta the town up ahead to collect a little taxes."
"What manner of tax will you collect? I heard from a woman a few days ago, that you were terrorizing their village. She hired me to take care of you."
The soldier began to laugh in scorn, then turned around and pointed.
"Ye see them? Theys with me. I'm ganna go to that town and take wha' I want, and yer not going to stop me."
"On the contrary, I will."
With that being said, I lunge forward a kick him as hard as I can in his groin. He falls to the ground in pain, then I whip out a long, serrated knife and rest it on his throat.
"This is your final warning. Leave now, or I'll kill you and all of you're troops."
The soldier looks at me, with fear in his eyes, then swallows, nods, and walks away, his band following dejectedly.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 440 of Life

It began with the king. A foul disease came down from the west, striking him where he stood. His death was mourned by all the peoples of the land. Then came his successor, a sorcerer by the name of Malecus. The country of Kerand fell on dark times. Soldiers sent out to pillage and burn. Villages raided again and again, left abandoned as people fled. In the darkness, a flame of hope. Word spread of a dwarven warrior who stood against Malecus, fought against his tyranny. Soon he was a symbol, a fervent leader, a bright spark. All change has trials though, and many are still to come.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Just to clarify, comments can be posted on this thread. Sorry about the slow rate of posts, I finbd myself lacking inspiration on this one a little bit.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 442 of Life

The air smelled of velvet night and steel rain as the dark figures swept into the inn. They removed their hoods, revealing hard faces, lined with a deep seated anger and sadness. The figures crowded around a group of 4 people at a tallow-lit table. Two men, an elderly woman, and I, sitting silently drinking mead. The older man begins to speak.
"So, this here convenes the first meeting of the rebellion. I assume you all know why we're here. Malecus has to go. The soldiers of his are sucking the life out of this nation, and we will not stand for it!"
The men cheer at the short speech, then fall quiet as the leader begins talking again.
"We are fortunate to have the assistance of Bassa Voldenhelm to help us win this battle. Master dwarf, what is your take on the situation?"
I pause for a moment before responding.
"Kerand Castle will not fall easily. Their walls are thick and their gates are strong, the soldiers outnumber yours 10 to 1. It is possible that you could call upon Myrithas for help. However, you also have the advantage of suprise and mobility. Only time will tell, though. Above all, you must be prepared to do whatever it takes to dethrone this man. All of you. Take an oath right here, that you will not rest until you and your families are safe. Swear it!"
Every man and woman in the inn knelt and swore the oath, then rose, iron in their eyes and courage in their hearts.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 449 of Life

The valley rang with the sound of beating hammers, echoed with the noise of shouting men, and sang with the song of deadly metal. The rebels were mobilizing. Nearly five hundred had answered the call, their eyes aflame with hatred and pain. Now, they will march, onto the warpath, for as long as it takes to bring down the tyrant. Alone, on the peak of the hill, a lone dwarf stands, a flail resting on his shoulders. He points out to the east, and yells his challenge out to the soldiers.
"I'm Bassa Voldenhelm, and I will not stop until Malecus's crown is resting firmly on top of his severed head! Ride now, proud people of Kerand, and take back your land! For your families, for your friends, for death and for glory, ride now! Ride onto victory!"
The men cheered back at him as the army began to move.