Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Vagabond


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Love this Character bio, it seems so well written out and developed, i look forward to RPing with you in the future!


You've yeed your last haw
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Shadow Owner
I was forced to make Dayter in Tera.
Ye're lookin' mighty grey t'ere, laddie.~
Also, God those shoulders are terrifying. Bigger than his damned head!


Coffee Enthusiast
Dayter seems to have dropped off the face of Altera, sticking to his home in the North.

This is mostly due to my lack of interest and discouragement in/to RP lately. Hopefully my desire to RP will return soon.~
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Lord of Altera
Dayter seems to have dropped off the face of Altera, sticking to his home in the North.

This is mostly due to my lack of interest and discouragement in RP lately. Hopefully my desire to RP will return soon.~
I think I speak for everyone when I say, we will wait the day with anticipation when your fire to RP comes back Deash, we can all relate, and hope to see you soon, but until then, just relax and enjoy yourself no mater what your doing.