Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Brief relations and current standings update. Therry has now forgotten why she knows Tybalt and Ardaric Tideborne, but still remembers their names and faces. She now lives in Lydel and has grown a liking for Habin.

Also, I made an update to the template I used. I like this format better. Still incomplete.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
Physical short term memory loss is similar to amnesia, commonly caused by physical trauma, and you can learn things over time, despite this condition, from repetition. While mental short term memory loss is similar to dementia and you've lost the ability to learn things through repetition.


Lord of Altera
Physical short term memory loss is similar to amnesia, commonly caused by physical trauma, and you can learn things over time, despite this condition, from repetition. While mental short term memory loss is similar to dementia and you've lost the ability to learn things through repetition.
Oh yes. It is very much a physical short-term memory condition.

Edit: The 'dementia' thing would honestly make your character impossible to RP.


Lord of Altera
Did some really quick research and found this gem, which I had based Therry's condition off of but had forgotten the exact details/name:

Post-traumatic amnesia is generally due to a head injury (example: a fall, a knock on the head). Traumatic amnesia is often transient, but may be permanent or either anterograde, retrograde, or mixed type. The extent of the period covered by the amnesia is related to the degree of injury and may give an indication of the prognosis for recovery of other functions. Mild trauma, such as a car accident that results in no more than mild whiplash, might cause the occupant of a car to have no memory of the moments just before the accident due to a brief interruption in the short/long-term memory transfer mechanism. The sufferer may also lose knowledge of who people are. Having longer periods of amnesia or consciousness after an injury may be an indication that recovery from remaining concussion symptoms will take much longer.

Credits to Wikipedia and sources within.


Lord of Altera
So I added two more songs and started writing a more detailed character backstory. Everything that is questionable/needs admin approval as far as lore goes is going to be a "faded memory." This does not mean that Therry was once some immortal being or whatever, I just don't know the exact details of certain lore yet and I'll contact the staff about it.

However, that Oracion song makes me want to build a church.


Lord of Altera
Athryl has been moved to 'Entirely forgotten', Tybalt, Alex, and Pip moved to Liked, and a note has been added to Relations regarding Tybalt. Fronte has been moved to Disliked.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Athryl has been moved to 'Entirely forgotten', Tybalt, Alex, and Pip moved to Liked, and a note has been added to Relations regarding Tybalt. Fronte has been moved to Disliked.
.... Why? ;-;