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Therry's Pregnancy


Lord of Altera
and post the starting age you want, and when you can start RP'ing.
make them 15 in like only a month
I literally can't handle having two toddlers grow up in less than a year of Salheira's life it hurts my head.


Lord of Altera
make them 15 in like only a month
I literally can't handle having two toddlers grow up in less than a year of Salheira's life it hurts my head.
My first child character was abandoned for that exact reason.

I promise you; I will not let him do that.


Lord of Altera
If you want to do this, feel free to let me know, I'll take into consideration everyone who wants to~


Lord of Altera
My first child character was abandoned for that exact reason.

I promise you; I will not let him do that.
make them 15 in like only a month
I literally can't handle having two toddlers grow up in less than a year of Salheira's life it hurts my head.
I won't... I think it will be fun growing up as a tinkerer's son and a fisherwoman's as well! Also this child will be peaceful (Your welcome Salheira).


Lord of Altera
Okay, heres what I put together so far of the character. I don't want to make a profile quiet yet. Tell me what you think of it, Alex, Therry, and Elfa!
Also this isn't terribly descriptive yet, this is a rough-draft

Name: You guys choose a name, please!

Race: Halfling
Gender: Male

Alex's Eyes, Sea Blue
Therry's Hair, Red and Thick
Therry's face: Rounded chin, Roundish face in general
Alex's cheekbones: Visible, unlike Therry's.

Mental State/Personality:
He isn't crazy, but like Therry he has that "water" angerment as I call it.
Water Angerment (thats probably not a word but whatever): Once angered, it can be hard to calm him down. However, it takes alot to anger him. Like water in a pool, it is smooth and calm, and takes a very large rock (or person) to make it choppy and "angry". Then, it takes awhile for the water to calm back down.
Bad Memory, Thanks Therry!
Brave and Friendly (From Alex)

This depends on the influence from every adult in his life.
If Elfa ever shows him her workshop, he will probably very hands-on, and therefore a tinkerer
If Therry ever teaches him how to fish, he will think its O.K, But he won't like the part where you have to be quiet and wait. I was thinking the child will be figity.
Maybe Alex will teach him axes and woodcutting and... trees. He would think thats fun.
Much like Therry he will enjoy reading and writing, however, he can only enjoy this for an hour or two before he wants to go do something else.
He is easily bored, otherwise, like Alex.

My Aging Idea:
Hey, you guys tell me when to age. Right now, i have it "planned" that the kid starts out at like 4 and then ages to 6 then 8, then stays at 8-12 for awhile. I'm not sure what Therry and Elfa think about people being adults at the age of 13 and whatnot... Also I'm going to do a little more research on halflings.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Okay, heres what I put together so far of the character. I don't want to make a profile quiet yet. Tell me what you think of it, Alex, Therry, and Elfa!
Also this isn't terribly descriptive yet, this is a rough-draft

Name: You guys choose a name, please!

Race: Halfling
Gender: Male

Alex's Eyes, Sea Blue
Therry's Hair, Red and Thick
Therry's face: Rounded chin, Roundish face in general
Alex's cheekbones: Visible, unlike Therry's.

Mental State/Personality:
He isn't crazy, but like Therry he has that "water" angerment as I call it.
Water Angerment (thats probably not a word but whatever): Once angered, it can be hard to calm him down. However, it takes alot to anger him. Like water in a pool, it is smooth and calm, and takes a very large rock (or person) to make it choppy and "angry". Then, it takes awhile for the water to calm back down.
Bad Memory, Thanks Therry!
Brave and Friendly (From Alex)

This depends on the influence from every adult in his life.
If Elfa ever shows him her workshop, he will probably very hands-on, and therefore a tinkerer
If Therry ever teaches him how to fish, he will think its O.K, But he won't like the part where you have to be quiet and wait. I was thinking the child will be figity.
Maybe Alex will teach him axes and woodcutting and... trees. He would think thats fun.
Much like Therry he will enjoy reading and writing, however, he can only enjoy this for an hour or two before he wants to go do something else.
He is easily bored, otherwise, like Alex.

My Aging Idea:
Hey, you guys tell me when to age. Right now, i have it "planned" that the kid starts out at like 4 and then ages to 6 then 8, then stays at 8-12 for awhile. I'm not sure what Therry and Elfa think about people being adults at the age of 13 and whatnot... Also I'm going to do a little more research on halflings.
I like it! There is a good combination of both Alex and Therry in there. :D


Lord of Altera
Okay, heres what I put together so far of the character. I don't want to make a profile quiet yet. Tell me what you think of it, Alex, Therry, and Elfa!
Also this isn't terribly descriptive yet, this is a rough-draft

Name: You guys choose a name, please!

Race: Halfling
Gender: Male

Alex's Eyes, Sea Blue
Therry's Hair, Red and Thick
Therry's face: Rounded chin, Roundish face in general
Alex's cheekbones: Visible, unlike Therry's.

Mental State/Personality:
He isn't crazy, but like Therry he has that "water" angerment as I call it.
Water Angerment (thats probably not a word but whatever): Once angered, it can be hard to calm him down. However, it takes alot to anger him. Like water in a pool, it is smooth and calm, and takes a very large rock (or person) to make it choppy and "angry". Then, it takes awhile for the water to calm back down.
Bad Memory, Thanks Therry!
Brave and Friendly (From Alex)

This depends on the influence from every adult in his life.
If Elfa ever shows him her workshop, he will probably very hands-on, and therefore a tinkerer
If Therry ever teaches him how to fish, he will think its O.K, But he won't like the part where you have to be quiet and wait. I was thinking the child will be figity.
Maybe Alex will teach him axes and woodcutting and... trees. He would think thats fun.
Much like Therry he will enjoy reading and writing, however, he can only enjoy this for an hour or two before he wants to go do something else.
He is easily bored, otherwise, like Alex.

My Aging Idea:
Hey, you guys tell me when to age. Right now, i have it "planned" that the kid starts out at like 4 and then ages to 6 then 8, then stays at 8-12 for awhile. I'm not sure what Therry and Elfa think about people being adults at the age of 13 and whatnot... Also I'm going to do a little more research on halflings.
Do like, very much. We will RP coming up with a name for you, if this goes through, and that aging sounds very good. I'd say, a week of RP at 4/6/8, then a much longer interval for 10+.

This is being considered, anyone else who wants to make a character should do so soon~


Lord of Altera
Name: Diane/a?
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female

Eyes: Dark, stormy blue. Mysterious.
Skin: Pale.
Face shape: Thin.
Hair: Thin, auburn.
Body Shape: Slim for a halfling. In human perspective, sort of poofy. Sort of.
Mouth: Thin lips.
Personality: Seductive, manipulative. Quick and witty.
Mental State: In younger years, often playing around although takes things too far. Quick to experiment with dangerous things. Brave.
In older years, persuades people to do stuff for her, and generally has fun. Evil fun >:D
Identifying Marks: Has a small birth mark on her lower neck, around 2-3cm squared, strawberry coloured.

Fears: Spiders, insects, being betrayed.
Weaknesses: Is short.
Strengths: Persuasive, is brave.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Name: Diane/a?
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female

Eyes: Dark, stormy blue. Mysterious.
Face shape: Thin.
Hair: Thin, auburn.
Body Shape: Slim for a halfling. In human perspective, sort of poofy. Sort of.
Mouth: Thin lips.
Personality: Seductive, manipulative. Quick and witty.
Mental State: In younger years, often playing around although takes things too far. Quick to experiment with dangerous things. Brave.
In older years, persuades people to do stuff for her, and generally has fun. Evil fun >:D

We could always be twins? xD
I decided not to do twins, two reasons:

1) Therry would probably die from it, she's too weak to deal with having two kids at once. (Also in her backstory her mother died this exact way don't want to repeat that)

2) Rolled a d20 and we didn't get a good roll for it.

I will consider this, you might want to elaborate on it a teeny bit (post again if you do) :D


Lord of Altera
I'm postponing the pregnancy for a few more days. As said in marriage thread, don't want obviously-pregnant Therry at the wedding.