Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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THUNDAMUNKY's Character Profile


Name: Keivja Salukt
Nickname/Alias: My name translates in english to Thunder; but people call me "TM"

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Nakam
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Orange, White and Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pink and Black
Identifying Marks: My tail and my eyes
Appearance: I am tall lean Nakam that looks a lot like a fox
Strengths: My vision is extremely strong compared to any humans, and since I left my homeland I have trained as much as I can in archery and sword combat.
Weaknesses and fears: I have always been afraid of being trapped, when I get into a situation I can't get out of I panic.
Religion and cults: I was raised in my tribe to believe in a "God". The elders in my tribe were the ones who preached of his stories. I have always been told that when we die we go and join him and our elders in an afterlife.
Profession: I am a scholar, and an ambassador. I am very wise when it comes to red stone and enchantment. I always have a library full of reading material.