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Tips For Armored Foes


Better than sliced bread
This is a thread dedicated to tips your character may attempt to learn against the advantaged enemies, especially the armored ones. The best tip i can give is a method called half swording, and another method which involves pinching the blade and thrusting.

Half-swording: There is a method where you grab the blade in a way that the blade doesn't dig into your palm, but you have a firm grip (there is an alternate way of doing this). You basically attack the armored foe, striking with the crossguard or the tip of the hilt (pretty much your sword is upside down.), which may dent the armor, as with swords you would more or less need to use the gaps to an advantage. Downside is this kinda keeps you without defense, at least a bit.

If you want to get into the gaps, with accuracy and precision, there is a method of half-swording where you grip the blade, and the other hand with the hilt, and thrust it towards the gaps with about a foot or more of slack to actually stab with.

All credits to this guy, seriously watch this, it is crazy! Basically shows how you can attack like this, and if done proper, you will not cut yourself.



Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Or you do the Azgir thing and use a club :D


Better than sliced bread
This is basically if you don't have this with you. You can improv a mace/warhammer with a sword!! Sir Andrew Wallins Jasper151627237 basically if a knight tries to run up on you and you don't have those things equipped or laying around.


Lord of Altera
Another good thing to do is to avoid a battle where you are facing an armored foe and you have no armor yourself. Running is not a bad thing.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
There's a reason knights went for openings at the armpits, back of the thigh, joints, etc. There's hardly any plate there. I've found that most people think they're from some type of movie and try to go through the THICKEST PART OF THE ARMOR. Also we've had like three threads already about this stuff.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
There's a reason knights went for openings at the armpits, back of the thigh, joints, etc. There's hardly any plate there. I've found that most people think they're from some type of movie and try to go through the THICKEST PART OF THE ARMOR. Also we've had like three threads already about this stuff.
People do like to try and pierce the chest and such, yes.
Instead of armpits and such


Better than sliced bread
I learned something new and i wanted to share it. It is, again, a last resort option. Not everyone is going to run. Perhaps they tried running already and got cornered. Perhaps they are both armored, and equipped with swords. Either way this is still helpful, especially if you use the precise stabbing motion by grabbing the hilt with one hand, the blade with the other.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Halfswording is a valid, historically accurate technique. There's lots of evidence of folk using it against people in plate armor, or two people in plate armor using it against eachother. There's other ways of fighting against folk in plate armor, too. A lot of the time if two people, both equally armored, face against eachother it'll more or less become a wrestling match. Trying to get the other person on the ground and stab through a vulnerable joint or through the gap in their visor with a misericorde or similar specialized implement. However, it is standard fare to find that the knight in question is wearing chainmail and padding beneath their plate armor. Knights on warhorses with metal barding are more or less the medieval equivalent of modern tanks.

But, the way to get through plate for a commoner is to get something real heavy, and hit them with it. Aim for their legs, maybe, their knees; try to collapse the plate armor in such a way that it hinders their mobility and makes them vulnerable to more attacks. It'll definitely take more than just one swing to kill a knight who's worth their salt, unless you land an exceptionally lucky blow to their helm. Two-handed clubs, some sort of hammer or hatchet, or other forceful tool. Since you're a commoner being attacked by some fellow in plate, I don't think you'd have any sort of proper weapon on hand. But if you got a sword, then halfswording is - as I said - a valid tactic. Alternatively, do the ballsy thing and sprint at them, dropkick them, and try to clamber on top of them and stab them through the visor.

If you're some sort of soldiering dude, you got a few more options. Polearms are excellent against plate; maybe not spears, but halberds will crunch right through it if you get enough momentum behind your swing. That, and unless they have a polearm too, you get to keep them at a distance. Maces, flails, axes, and again halfswording are all tactics that will give this hypothetical knight a bad time. With a buckler or other shield, you could hypothetically get quite close to a fellow and keep his weapon occupied while you use blunt instruments in your blows. Or, stab them in the joints with a weapon thin enough to bypass what lies underneath the plate.
(tryna be informative/give my two cents not hijack your thread btw)


Better than sliced bread
Halfswording is a valid, historically accurate technique. There's lots of evidence of folk using it against people in plate armor, or two people in plate armor using it against eachother. There's other ways of fighting against folk in plate armor, too. A lot of the time if two people, both equally armored, face against eachother it'll more or less become a wrestling match. Trying to get the other person on the ground and stab through a vulnerable joint or through the gap in their visor with a misericorde or similar specialized implement. However, it is standard fare to find that the knight in question is wearing chainmail and padding beneath their plate armor. Knights on warhorses with metal barding are more or less the medieval equivalent of modern tanks.

But, the way to get through plate for a commoner is to get something real heavy, and hit them with it. Aim for their legs, maybe, their knees; try to collapse the plate armor in such a way that it hinders their mobility and makes them vulnerable to more attacks. It'll definitely take more than just one swing to kill a knight who's worth their salt, unless you land an exceptionally lucky blow to their helm. Two-handed clubs, some sort of hammer or hatchet, or other forceful tool. Since you're a commoner being attacked by some fellow in plate, I don't think you'd have any sort of proper weapon on hand. But if you got a sword, then halfswording is - as I said - a valid tactic. Alternatively, do the ballsy thing and sprint at them, dropkick them, and try to clamber on top of them and stab them through the visor.

If you're some sort of soldiering dude, you got a few more options. Polearms are excellent against plate; maybe not spears, but halberds will crunch right through it if you get enough momentum behind your swing. That, and unless they have a polearm too, you get to keep them at a distance. Maces, flails, axes, and again halfswording are all tactics that will give this hypothetical knight a bad time. With a buckler or other shield, you could hypothetically get quite close to a fellow and keep his weapon occupied while you use blunt instruments in your blows. Or, stab them in the joints with a weapon thin enough to bypass what lies underneath the plate.
(tryna be informative/give my two cents not hijack your thread btw)
Thank you for backing my claim and adding input, this is exactly why the thread was made! :heart: