Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To all Mayors - roleplay in your cities

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Sparkly purple member of the team
I would volunteer for Lindisfarne if Royo is ok with it.

I love your idea Alail, but aren't we overlooking something? What if more than seven towns volunteer to participate in this and we cannot have each town featured one day of the week? Maybe put them in different time slots?
I was not thinking about a day of the week, I was thinking about a calendar like:

February: 1 - town A
2 - town B
3 - town C
And so on.
Yeh she is saying that you get a day or, if needed, 2 days of the month when you do a RP event. Not a day of the week. Only having a day or two of the month helps, because it gives you time to think up what you will do for your next RP event. Great idea Alaila.


dont you think it would be awesome if there were RP events one in month or once in 3 months you decide, that went across the whole of altera between lots of cities i think that could be cool
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