Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Don a Sinful Mask


Lord of Altera
Sooo, is this another Salheira-in-disguise or nawwww
I can't even. let me just.
Height: 5'9"

Build: toned, muscular, though not so bulky as an earthspawn might be
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Dark
Appearance: a caparii with dark skin, black fur, long and thin black horns. his face is stern and serious, but his mask bears a cruelly grinning face
Voice: Something spooky, give me time to think here
Height: 5ft 0in
Build: stocky
. like that of a dwarf, but softer
Hair: thick brown fur covering her whole body. the hair on her head has grown longer, and shows as bangs over her forehead, and spills out from behind her hood.
Eyes: round, wide-eyed, and twitchy. she can't keep eye contact with other people, and often checks her surroundings for danger. (Yellow)
a darker brown than her fur, though one may barely notice, as most of the time, her skin is covered in either fur or scar tissue
Identifying Marks: fur burned off at left arm and face
she's quiet, but when she speaks, it's in a songlike, lilting dialect of Fae. her accent is incredibly thick when she speaks common.
Strengths: uh. strong. and scary, good at hiding, lying, killing
Fears: [insert ironically sissy thing here]
Weaknesses: poor judgement, cold heart
Languages: Fae, Common (illiterate)

Strengths: she's good at hiding, or at least, good at not being noticed. she's good at staying quiet, she's good at building houses quickly, she's good at finding food by any means necessary. while she's not what you would consider conventionally attractive, there are quite a few people who have found her attractive, or at least cute. people are often quick to trust her, and she often doesn't do anything to break said trust. her strict moral code gives her little room to question if her actions are just.
blades, arrows, fire, loss, betrayal
Weaknesses: she is too weak to properly fight, or even carry a heavier load such as a body. she can't speak well at all, something which does not go well with the sheer volume at which she talks. her strict moral code gives her little room to question if her actions are just. she does not know when to hold her tongue, and though she is not judgmental on many things, she is highly judgmental about very specific things, and has difficulty forgiving others.
Languages: she can speak Fae fluently (even poetically), but she still does not know some words in common, and she continually mixes up the syntax when she speaks. (Literate)
Place: Underground
Pastime: Sweet Revenge
Food: Fish
Drink: Springwater
Colour: Red, Green
Animal: Cats

Least Favourite...
Place: Cities
Pastime: ?
Food: ?
Drink: ?
Colour: purple
Animal: Humanity, Silver Elves


Place: underground
Pastime: meditating
Herb: mint
Food: meat
Drink: water
Colour: red
Animal: dogs

Least Favourite...

Place: the city
Pastime: fighting, with words or lethal force, and watching such fights
Food: cake
Drink: alcohol
Colour: none
Animal: none
he had a lover, had a child.
they were taken from him.

he followed their captors, and found those captors had taken many others.
the sinners did not live.

after them, others came. and more, and more.
he could not remain with his family.
Old Family

all of her family died long ago... or so she thought.

Keiri Rain-River ("Dahlia"): she remembers her mother as a skilled huntress, fierce and strong, who would never give up a fight, and always fought for what she believed in. as far as she remembers, on that fateful day, Keiri had died battling the zealots, her last words being "run, Salheira! run away from here, and live!"

Arlia Rain-River: she remembers her second mother as somewhat of a meek person, but very stern. most of what she learned about Vermella, she learned from Arlia. she had always felt closer to Arlia, for though she was Keiri's flesh and blood, the huntress would usually be too busy to stay behind with family. the last thing she remembers of Arlia, was her getting shot with an arrow as the two of them tried to escape the attack.

"Dad": Salheira knows nothing of her father, but apparently, he was a traveling doctor.

New Family

(sister) Elfa Hansdotter @Hogo-Sha Kitsune : dearest sister
(sister) Morna Rhett @BrianAT16 : dearest sister
(sister-in-law) Therry @Exclaimer : ...

Eyota Engem @ForestRose : where have you gone?
Nyari Raine @Ruukasu Lawliet : stay here, stay safe

(daughter) Melosa @BrianAT16 : *motherly instincts intensify*(Melosa is /Fine/)
thats some disguise she got there. managing to appear 9 inches taller, get buff, appear as the opposite gender while being near-entirely naked, and shave off all her fur while healing her scar tissue. :0

I'm crying very hard tho, because people DID mix up Loutra and Veriseyar.
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