Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Town] Ravens Nest

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The Watcher

Barathum, City of the lost is nearing completion... Once this is done none can challenge the might that is the Pirates of Ravens Nest!


Lord of Altera
The mayor is currently quite inactive - I'll see if I can get word to him. Maybe he even read this post. We'll see.


Lord of Altera
I will stay in Warstrom, but I was thinking I could have a small non plotted house in Raven's Nest.


<3 Hollow World
Lars is talking to the plugin developer to allow you to be made "friend" of a town, currently you could be made a friend of a plot which might let you build etc but it's on a plot by plot basis.


Raven's Nest for Villains?

Oooooh *dig up in a hole to make a house*


The Watcher
Ravens Nest is recruiting big time!
Barathum is finished and plots are going up!
Come on guys be part of the true Pirate nation!
(no offence intended to shipwreck cove)
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