Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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TrueGameHero15 -- Application

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Lord of Altera
About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?


3) Where are you?


4) Have you read our guides yet?

yes i have

5) Introduce yourself!

You Can Call Me True I've Play RPG's Before Like S.W.T.O.R. And etp. And I Like Minecraft But It's Hard To Find A Good MCRPG I Hope That This Server Is What I'am Looking For. As For When I Get On Minecraft It's When I Get The Time. And My Spelling Is
Not That Good I Have Deislageseah. Reading Deisorder

6) Got any examples of your work?

As I Sade I Like RPG So I've Been Trying To Make Single Player RPG Minecraft Map Here's A Look At One Of The Town's

It's Not Rifest But Going Good

7) Referrer: (Optional)
No one did i find this server on planetminecraft

About your character

My character is a good guy but live has made him a little cold he's lost allot of loved one's he's live is devoted to helping anther


True Rage






The test

"True: To tell you about myself i'll have't to go all the way to the beginning in a anther words the days of the old gods, my family where there servants, the gods grades in anther words, with my family there are two more family's, my family is Rage or the family of the sword, then there's the Ace the family of the bow, then there's the last family the Tai family or the fists, all three family's have there own way of fighting the sword bow and fists. we've served the old gods for year's. now me at the age of 10 my mother die my farther became cold and heartless for 5 year's my farther showed me the way of the sword but my grandfather Ivan Rage wood tell me of the old days when there wise peace. all my childhood my farther made me learn swordsmanship but i know my hands were made for a bow so i asked my grandfather Jack Ace my mother's dad the teach me the way of the bow, he did, but my farther found out and told to stop but i told him no so disowned me
i never hard a nether story again from my grandfather Ivan. it took me 5 year's master the bow for my last lesson Jack told me to go and travel Altera and use my skills to help someone so i did but i fill in love with a girl named Rose i forgot what i promised to Jack i stop using my skills 5 year's after i leave't, me love was kill, Rose die. after that i did what i said i wood, i never let anyone die again so that's why i have't to find this boy he needs me, so what do you know." Bar Owner: He's a two days raid from here i can give you a map."
There we go hope you guys like this one
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