Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Turian_ - Application [Declined-Man5791]


About you

1) What is your Minecraft username? :turian_

2) How old are you? : 18

3) Where are you? : In Finland ( With mah cat :)

4) Have you read our guides yet? : yes

5) Introduce yourself! (Minimum 5 sentences please!) : I'm a happy person with a cat. I love video games. And i'm a proud owner of an PS3.

6) Got any examples of your work? :umm... no

7) What other games have you roleplayed in? Garrys mod

8) Where did you find out about Hollowworld?
A) Google Search B) Planet Minecraft C) Minecraft Forums D) Reddit E) Other (Please Specify): I choose...B

About your character

Name: Aleksanteri Valloittaja

Age: 20

Race: Human

Appearance: A normal guy with brown hair. And a scholars uniform.

The test
There are many stories in books. But nobody wants to know them. Because the modern world is very stupid. But this story is in a far away place where magic and heroes still exist. Our story is not about kings and queens. Princesses and princes. Wizards (Well a little.)and warlocks. Our story is about a peasant that found a strange uniform in a chest that was in a swamp. That uniform was a professors uniform from another universe. But of course our character doesn't know that. After he found that uniform he changed. His sisters and parents noticed that he never talked much. He only read and read and read. Until one day a strange man came by. And took our character away. He would come to damn that decision and to thank it. But this is enough for one time.
