Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unban Appeal {Declined}

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Michcat i am deeply sorry for what i said to you and i will try and keep my sense of humor to a more pg-13 level. I do fully understand what i have done and why it has offended you. I am fully aware of the rule that i had broken by posting that message in the Teamspeak chat and you have my word that it will not happen again.




Non sum qualis eram

That is not remotely sufficient excuse or apology and I do not accept such egregious behavior from a prospective member of our server.

It has nothing to do with "sense of humor" and there is no such place where it is ever appropriate to say what you have said.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I completely understand that and i know that my sense of humor is no reasonable explanation for my un banning but i am deeply sorry to Mich for what i said. I am willing to accept any penalty you and the other members of staff wish to put upon me as my actions were extremely uncalled for. I am extremely sorry also for ruining the trust that the staff members put in place when allowing us to use the teamspeak server and communicate with other players. I honestly wish i could take back all that i said to mich and i offer my sincerest apologies. Michcat, i am extremely sorry for what i said to you.


Retired Staff
I am willing to accept any penalty you and the other members of staff wish to put upon me as my actions were extremely uncalled for.
Your actions were beyond the pale.

Your penalty is a permaban with no appeal. I'm locking this thread.
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