Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unban appeal

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Paladin jack

Hi Paladin_jack here its been a long time ive been looking for a good rp server and i have finally discovered that there is no server like your so i would be very very happy if you gave me another chance thank you!


The Anime loving Brony
It's been so long, I honestly don't even remember what he was banned for, but to be honest Jack, if your previous 3 appeals were denied, it must have been bad, and if so many of the Admin's feel this way, I don't think it'll be a good Idea to let you back on. Sorry :(


King ForumStalker
2011-07-26 19:53:04​

This is what I found in the ban list.

Not really a lot to go on by the reason of "Idiot" so the only one who can really do anything is Steel.

However its a perma so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Maybe it'd be best to tell us (and don't lie, it doesn't help, just look at the liars and 99% have been perma'd just for lying) what it was exactly you did. Steel knows and we'll find out anyway so just come out with it now and take the heat.


He was Ravenfrostt's admirer, it got to a point where it became harassment. He was also generally an idiot yes :p


King of the north!
He got banned for being rude, disruptive, a pain in the arse, pestering the admins and harrassing poor old raven all time.

You're attitude was horrible the entire time so I'm leaving this ban standing.

Paladin jack

look im sorry i misunderstood when you say 100% rp on your youtube vids for no rp at all i like this server alot and i really really want another chance i will not do anything wrong and if i do you can ban me foreva and delet this account im really sorry and i just need one more chance :( im sorry and please
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