Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unban Appeal

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So I just tried logging into the server after over a month of inactivity due to a large amount of schoolwork. However, instead of being logged in, I was given the message: "You are banned from this server! Reason: Griefing Queen Grief"

I have never griefed anyone. Let alone someone in HollowWorld. And I have no idea what that message means. Can someone please help?


You broke netherrack at Fortress Naught and built a ' home' in it.


King ForumStalker
Built a home in Fortress Naught? oh dear.

How could you have missed the fact its a giant demonic castle surrounded by fire and made of Netherrack? Someone made it and you greifed it =/


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
You griefed mah home?! How dareth thou!
On a serious note, its griefing, and not minor by sounds of it, so id vote ban stands.


He actually went into the netherrackspread above fortress naught, the mushroom type cloud :p


Oh. That day I was exploring. I was in no way trying to grief anyone. I tried to leave as little trace as possible and certainly was not trying to make a home anywhere near that awesome build.

I deeply apologize to anyone who was affected by my exploration of the castle and ask that I be given a second chance. I swear I will never do anything like that again. If I am to be permanently banned, I understand the need to uphold server rules and would like to commend you all on creating such an amazing server. I sure will miss it.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I thank you for your maturity, however griefing is still an unacceptable action, so this will become a temp-ban, of 4 days.
If the one who banned you would like to change that, then that is fine, but as of this moment you will be banned for 4 days.
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