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Unban Please - benjei123

Should this guy wait out the temp ban?

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I am very sorry but i kept on swearing because i have anger problems and on my old server i could swear so i got used to it, now i am banned off this server :( i promise i will be good again because i want to stay a wizard of Uthrandir, so please unban me i promise i will benefit the server. And i will be good forever.


Loyal Servant of Altera
But I had a project going on and this server is amazing i cant wait to get on please unban me


Grand Lizard
Its a temp ban, wait it out. Don't be impatient, you broke the rules. Your project wont be going anywhere...


<3 Hollow World
Hehe altered you're poll. Hollow World is run in a feudal system, not democraticaly. We'll see you tomorrow mate :)


King ForumStalker
I try not to give out bans to often, but here we go.

First of all swearing, I gave you a warning.

Second of all use of wtf, I gave you a kick.

Then you swore again, temp ban insued.

I think its a lucky break since

a) its only 24hrs
b) others were complaining that you had been swearing before I had come back from being afk.

after your kick I told you if you were feeling angry at all, just log off. You ignored my advice.

The temp ban stays.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Pie is the logical choice of the poll. Not only does it include No, because pie can be fattening, thus forcing the no to all modest and normal human beings, it also involves get out of my face. Therefor, we're saying no, do not unban until the time limit is up, and to get out of our faces.

That is my vote


Making a poll drastically lowers your chances of getting unbanned, just saying :p

Bellon the Wise

I am very sorry but i kept on swearing because i have anger problems and on my old server i could swear so i got used to it, now i am banned off this server :( i promise i will be good again because i want to stay a wizard of Uthrandir, so please unban me i promise i will benefit the server. And i will be good forever.
But I had a project going on and this server is amazing i cant wait to get on please unban me
Wizard Benjamin I am quite disappointed with your behavior. We are going to have to work on getting your anger under control sir.


Lord of Altera
I am very sorry but i kept on swearing because i have anger problems
This isn't the way to go nothing happens because you have a "problem" you can use excuses, but you are always the one who has control over your actions there are no excuses.
Just wait it out.
Its not the end of the world my friend. :D


Lord of Altera
My family has anger problems The whole group. I don't use them as an excuse though.
Everything you do YOU have control over.
Btw. I voted yes on that poll.
Yea if your surprised don't be I bet you didn't see it coming. (it was the only option o.o)
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