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unbane Appeal

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I have been banned or the use of a X-ray mod on the sever,even though i have heard of a x-ray mod but have never thought of using it considering the factor that i can't even install a mod onto my computer which is a mac...Also I have been told by a few people that my account is being used by other players on the sever...I have jus gotten back from a vacation, at 5:30 pm central American time...Then was off the server for about 2 hours and returned back to the server around the time of 7:30 and then was banned about 20 minutes later...This seem's confusing to me considering the fact that I have been gone from this server for long point's of time for a family emergency and was gone for a week...then i was gone part of this week to resolve the rest of the family emergency...

Thank you for you time of reading this Thread and hope this matter can be resolved soon...


Lord of Altera
Sharing accounts is no excuse for xray. If you knew your account was being used, you should've changed your password. I have shown a few players your mines and they agreed it was terribly obvious.


I don't really mean to be rude or anything- but your account is your responsibility. whether you x-rayed or your dog x-rayed doesn't really matter. so when, where, and why doesn't really matter either-
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