Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unbann - crm3998 (hopefully)

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Lord of Altera
My in-game name is "crm3998" I was banned by "ikbenlars" by saying a joke, no inappropriate content or anything, i said "you admins need to go whitelisting" because my friend has been waiting forever and when he doesn't get his way, he pulls his rage out on me, thats been going on forever and I just got tired of it. No offence I dont think this is worth permanent ban, nor even a ban! just a kick! anyway... if i dont get accepted back into Altera, i just want to say goodbye to all of you and i will never find a better server made for me.


King ForumStalker
Don't tell people how to do their jobs.

as for whitelisting, they get done very frequently.


Lord of House Hawklight
The thing is, you mentioned he applied only hours before you told us to go white listing, so it wasn't that long of a wait at all..

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Do not mess with the Dwarven High King! He will set me and Rosharas loose on you if you violate us again!

On a more serious note, my policy is wait at least 1 day before asking if whitelist has been approved or not. Ask again after 2 days.....after 3 days, go ahead and pester the admins, but I can guarantee you very few make it past 1 day without getting an answer. Patience is a virtue, and the admins are humans!
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