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Unbanned for unfair cause [Unbanned - Scardrac]

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Hi My name is Jared. or blahblahjared. i was banned from your server for being "Disrespectful". right when i was about to leave one of your admins talked to me and i said [excuse me i was not talking to you so please don't interrupt us] then i got banned. The reason i said that was because "godfather"was being bloody hell to me and my friend 13max2000 so i talked back to him so i got in trouble. i joined to server a days ago and i was gonna have my friends join this server, but now i'm banned. so all i'm asking is to get unbanned...


French Roast

Lord of Altera
I was not being "bloody hell" to you, actually. If you listened to what anybody there was saying, you would know I was actually making fair points, and suggesting that you listen to Scar rather than continue your inappropriate behavior. You refused to be quiet multiple times - which he told you to do, multiple times.

Also, if I had been doing anything wrong, Scar would have said something. He didn't, so don't say I was.


... Siiigh.
Alright, you were banned by my request. You were disrespecting staff and other players.
Refusing to listen to us when we kindly asked you to stop your trolling.
The whole thing started from some RP and OOC issues, and I came to help. And I did.
You started to talk and troll a player that was trying to help you understand the rules, and you disrespected him.
Not only, you were just randomly trolling and staff kindly asked you to stop and you responded immaturely.
I'll repeat my recap:
Do not be OP, you have to respond to hits and respond to them always. Never ignore them.
Don't meta-game, you can't see names above heads in RP. You must ask in RP to do so.
Don't be harsh OOC'ly, you can't go around shouting at people to leave thinking you're higher authority. This goes with your trolling bit.
Don't disrespect staff ,what they do and say is for the player's benefit. We only ask you listen to him so you can have a good time.
Edit; Forgot to add: If you're unsure what is or isn't harsh, OP, or meta-gaming, there are always the rules, staff, and other players here to help. Just ask if you don't know.
I recommend doing a one-over of the rules.
That recap goes for you and max.


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
As Scardrac said, you were banned for being disrespectful of staff and spamming role play chat after being continuously asked to stop. Scardrac was becoming angry and so I stepped in as staff is suppose to do, to help calm the situation and when you refused to listen again, I banned you upon Scardrac's request and also due to my own observation of your actions and the situation. It was a mature decision on his part to ask me to step in due to his own feelings about the situation. I suggest you do as he listed above, and take a bit to cool off, re read some rules and forum information.
As Scardrac said, you were banned for being disrespectful of staff and spamming role play chat after being continuously asked to stop. Scardrac was becoming angry and so I stepped in as staff is suppose to do, to help calm the situation and when you refused to listen again, I banned you upon Scardrac's request and also due to my own observation of your actions and the situation. It was a mature decision on his part to ask me to step in due to his own feelings about the situation. I suggest you do as he listed above, and take a bit to cool off, re read some rules and forum information.
Cool off? i'm not ticked off? im fine i'd was just new to the server and i didn't really understand all the rules clearly so i was confused so i'm sorry for being rude, but you should of know i was new to the server(it's fine if you didn't) i just didn't like [Godfather1] talking to my friend 13max2000 and i would like to be unbanned, but it's fine if you refuse my request...

I was not being "bloody hell" to you, actually. If you listened to what anybody there was saying, you would know I was actually making fair points, and suggesting that you listen to Scar rather than continue your inappropriate behavior. You refused to be quiet multiple times - which he told you to do, multiple times.

Also, if I had been doing anything wrong, Scar would have said something. He didn't, so don't say I was.

And sorry for the "bloody hell" part i was just really, REALLY just like tick'd off so sorry about that...



godfather1 was trying to help you understand the rules, and you should let him explain if he tries.
I suggest you do a once-over like asked of the rules, and find your faults.


Lord of Altera
I'm not directly involved..As anyone deems this innaproperiate, feel free to delete..

You say you didn't know the rules, because you're new to the server, I'm sorry, but neither of those are an excuse..

Not knowing the rules..Is, sorryn I'm not saying you didn't know the rules, is no valid excuse..You /need/ to know the rules when you apply for whitelist..

Saying you're new to the server is neither a valid excuse..Because everyone, and everyone should live to the rules this server..

The staff aren't robots..But they will to be as justified as possible..
I highly apologize for my standard of behavior to the staff in the past; I understand that my tone was very inappropriate to Scar, Mia, Mist, and most defiantly Godfather. Godfather, I’m sorry for how I acted when you just wanted to help me. For now on I’ll do everything I can… no, I WILL from this point on respond to hits, shouting at people to leave for any reason at all, and of course I will NEVER disrespect the staff.
I highly understand if you do not approve this, but please understand that I apologize for what I have caused.

Greatest Apologies


I accept your apology and I think you will act better.
But if I unban you I want you to understand why we have these rules. So that's why I wanted you to read the rules over. If you do this, and understand, I will unban you.
Thank you more than ever for the understanding, please make sure that godfather has read through my apology.
I will more than ever read trough the rules to make sure this dosen't happen ever again.
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