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unbanning appeal [Arrille]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
i was banned for use of x-ray
i was really not useing x-ray i turn up the gamma and sometimes change the texture pack to strongest-craft if having a texture pack is a bannable offense then ban everybody and pressing esc and going into options video options and turning up the brightness if this was a joke then im sorry for getting all fired up but jokes like this are just cruel
i would very much like to get unbanned please if you could unban me

please i haven't even built anything yet i promise not to use any x-ray texture packs again and i really really love this server

i have never felt this much love for a server as this one


<3 Hollow World
strongest-craft is an xray texture pack.

This pack could be referred to as many things, including- but not limited to-

A transparent texture pack for Minecraft
A wireframe texture pack for Minecraft
An x-ray texture pack for Minecraft
A wallhack for Minecraft
2011-10-09 06:27:35 > 2011-10-09 06:38:39 ( 11mins 4secs)
58 Diamond ore breaks
6 gold ore breaks
5 Iron ore breaks

2011-10-06 00:25:19 > 2011-10-06 00:32:25 (7mins 6secs)
28 diamond ore breaks
21 gold ore breaks
4 iron ore breaks

Those numbers speak for themselves, combined with your admission of using a texture pack with xray features I feel that your ban should stay permanently. If you'd checked or read the rules you'd know that xray packs are not permitted, common sense would lead you to that conclusion - several people have been banned for this in the past.

I'm happy for another King/Queen to step in if they feel that I'm being too harsh, but as far as I'm concerned you're stay here is over.


Queen/I build cyber weapons dnt mess with me♥

its a crappy version of xray as you can see in the video here. Also just as halfman posted above in the description it even states that it is an x-ray based texture pack.


Loyal Servant of Altera
i really really love this server its maturity level is the best i have ever seen on a internet game or forum please please please i have so much to offer and your cutting me short of the things i will make and build in minecraft probably forever this ban might just make me stop playing so i give my utmost apologys to the whole server and everyone in it i really like this server.

sincerest apology's Arrille


<3 Hollow World
I'm reviewing this with the admins Arrille, hopefully have an answer later on today either way :)


<3 Hollow World
After reviewing the logs further I've decided that this ban will be permanent.

Appeal closed.
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