Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Uprising] Lord's Warrant


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Posters are placed by men bearing de Courtnay colors and bearing shields with the sigil below. These posters are set up throughout the Eberlands and the surrounding settlements.

By Decree of the Lord Vara-Bertrand d’Arras, in the name of God, and the House de Courtnay, for the murder of three loyal bannermen, and the theft of goods to be given to the people, the scum calling himself Mikolaj Eberhall, and those following him, are hereby branded as outlaws and traitors, any men or women that would give shelter to his men, will be executed without trial. Lord d’Arras hereby charges Mikolaj Eberhall and his followers on three counts of murder, theft, and treason, and a bounty of 10,000 Radiants are hereby placed on the head of Mikolaj Eberhall, and 1,000 Radiants granted to those who surrender his followers, or give information of value.

Those found in ownership of any banners, sigils, or colours of the fallen House Eberhall, will be sentenced to death without trial, those found with unsanctioned tools or weapons, will meet a similar fate.

I declare, on the word and honour of my House d’Arras, that the lands of Eberland are rightfully ours, granted by the House de Courtnay, and that these men are no more than outlaws and traitors.

Fear the Fate of the Treasonous
This is directly related to the Uprising Campaign, which can be found here: