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Vigilant order of Slayers

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I don't have any problems with players opposing the slayers in roleplay, in fact I encourage it. It just becomes incredible annoying and tedious when everyone and their mother is talking about how the slayers prosecute innocents while we don't. It becomes impossible for us to roleplay the organisation in the way we want to. We are part of a House that is forming an alliance and because of all the crap that people say there is friction between us and the house because of the 'bad press' about the organisation.

We are setting up the organisation a bit 'zeleous' for exactly the reason that we want people to oppose it. But outside of roleplay, these people that do oppose us must realize that they are not being morally good. They are protecting and harboring known murderers and opposing us from executing them. I'm not against that outside roleplay, but I do think people need to realize this. We are not morally that good either, we are distrustful of monsters and are extreme in our methods, but we don't execute or imprison anyone who has not done any wrong. We won't lock up a Vyre that sucks on animal blood instead, but we will warn everyone around that person of the danger this person poses. That's good roleplay.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I suppose, but you have to remember also that our Alteran society functions on allowing some amount of tolerance for monsters. Because of the way we have set it up now, vampirism, or being a vyre rather, is a disease.
Your solution to the problem is to kill the vyres that feed on humanoids for blood.
But some other people may see vyres differently. They may see them as poor sick people, and that they need to be cured of a disease rather than killed.
Some others, like blarg, may have found a way to exist as a vyre and still function and not be evil.

Many who are "monsters" but have found ways not to harm others are worried that they might get singled out as a monster, and prosected before questions are asked (you might not do this, and it might not be the official policy, but there will inevitable be over-zealous members that might)

So, a major reason youve been getting a lot of bad press is because a significant portion of people either dont like your proposed solution to the problem, or dont agree that there is a problem in the first place.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I did not say i was neutral itzza, i am currently against the slayers. Notice how there are more reasons against then there are for? What i was trying to say there was that im not going to close my eyes and rule these people out, as well as following my characters rp, as well as throwing lars a bone.


I suppose, but you have to remember also that our Alteran society functions on allowing some amount of tolerance for monsters. Because of the way we have set it up now, vampirism, or being a vyre rather, is a disease.
Your solution to the problem is to kill the vyres that feed on humanoids for blood.
But some other people may see vyres differently. They may see them as poor sick people, and that they need to be cured of a disease rather than killed.
Some others, like blarg, may have found a way to exist as a vyre and still function and not be evil.

Many who are "monsters" but have found ways not to harm others are worried that they might get singled out as a monster, and prosected before questions are asked (you might not do this, and it might not be the official policy, but there will inevitable be over-zealous members that might)

So, a major reason youve been getting a lot of bad press is because a significant portion of people either dont like your proposed solution to the problem, or dont agree that there is a problem in the first place.
And there is the gist of our problem. We don't prosecute monsters that haven't murdered.

I love the clash between those who still want to harbor those and want to change them.


King ForumStalker
I did not say i was neutral itzza, i am currently against the slayers. Notice how there are more reasons against then there are for? What i was trying to say there was that im not going to close my eyes and rule these people out, as well as following my characters rp, as well as throwing lars a bone.
It was a joke, lighten up ¬_¬


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Oh, sorry itzza, that was my version of light.
Its a bit hard over the pc, cuz i cant convey sarcasm.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I know! ill make a sarcasm punctuation mark!
From now on, when trying to convey sarcasm, i will put ~ on both sides of the sentence, sort of like quotation marks, but for sarcasm :D
~Btw, that was a really good idea itzza~


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Totally wrong usage of the word suffice. What you meant to say was:
"*Fails to come up with a curse word insulting enough thats allowed on the forums, so the smiley below will suffice*"


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Right, sorry.
Back to the vigilant topic.
So about them slayers....
Well lars if you want to solve that problem, then you might have to make some concessions. So long as people dont like the way the slayers are run, they will keep saying rumours.

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
Lars, you tried to kill me and kk72390. Niether of us harmed anyone. Ever. You tortured him and made me watch. All in rp of course. But you still are kinda lying about 'not harming innocents'

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
Let's make this interesting....

Letter from the ArchWizard

"Bellon, Archwizard of Uthrandir is now offering Sanctuary to all magical creatures that feel they have been wrongfully targeted by the Slayers. Refugees will be given temporary residence in Wizard Town of Uthrandir. Any Slayers that wish to obtain a refugee may convince the ArchWizard to revoke Sanctuary by a conference in the ArchWizard's Great Hall...."

- Bellon Lightbringer

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Let's make this interesting....

Letter from the ArchWizard

"Bellon, Archwizard of Uthrandir is now offering Sanctuary to all magical creatures that feel they have been wrongfully targeted by the Slayers. Refugees will be given temporary residence in Wizard Town of Uthrandir. Any Slayers that wish to obtain a refugee may convince the ArchWizard to revoke Sanctuary by a conference in the ArchWizard's Great Hall...."

- Bellon Lightbringer
There's apparently a lot of protection up for the refugees! So many places have offered it... It's actually heart warming to see...
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