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Vigilant order of Slayers

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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Well now, as lars told it to me, you "pre-emptively evaluate" "monsters" in order to protect others from "harm."
And in the name of that process, you can say that youve killed anyone to prevent future wrongs.
And according to the many people ive talked to, there have been many cases in which the slayers have murdered innocents.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Well, the problem with that is that the vigilants (obvious skyrim reference btw XD) define "monster" very loosely, unclearly, and vaguely.


Well now, as lars told it to me, you "pre-emptively evaluate" "monsters" in order to protect others from "harm."
And in the name of that process, you can say that youve killed anyone to prevent future wrongs.
And according to the many people ive talked to, there have been many cases in which the slayers have murdered innocents.
Many cases? When are people going to stop believing rumors we have executed only 3-4 people two of which were voluntarily and not connected to the slayers ! @#$ @#%^!@&Y$%


Lord of Altera
"pre-emptively evaluate" "monsters" in order to protect others from "harm."
You mean you don't look at a vampire or werewolf and think,
"That looks dangerous and it feeds on people, I should probably stop them doing that as someone mighty get hurt"
That's a simple example evaluation and touches upon valid points, simple looking and common sense.


King ForumStalker
No, i'd think
"That looks dangerous and it feeds on people, best leave it alone as not to aggravate it"


Lord of Altera
And according to the many people ive talked to, there have been many cases in which the slayers have murdered innocents.
Name one...

Many cases? When are people going to stop believing rumors we have executed only 3-4 people two of which were voluntarily and not connected to the slayers ! @#$ @#%^!@&Y$%
Lars is right, currently people who don't see eye to eye with us have started spreading rumours. And tbf most of our enemies are bandits who are fighting us because they don't like me, not the slayers in themselves.


No, i'd think
"That looks dangerous and it feeds on people, best leave it alone as not to aggravate it"
So others choose to do nothing, and we choose to do something. That's a distinction I can live with.


that's why the monster's side did rise up to defend themselfs of this atrocity!!!
Ofcourse murderes stand up for eachother. But what people seem to forget is that WE DONT PROSECUTE INNOCENTS PEOPLE.


King ForumStalker
which is why Keros and Sarah were prosecuted against yes? Keros' crimes were for harbouring a fugitive by what had Sarah done to become a fugitive in the first place?

Luckily the both of them are now safe in our sanctuary, and we hope to save many more from your murderous grasps, who gives you the right to choose who dies and who lives in this world?


which is why Keros and Sarah were prosecuted against yes? Keros' crimes were for harbouring a fugitive by what had Sarah done to become a fugitive in the first place?

Luckily the both of them are now safe in our sanctuary, and we hope to save many more from your murderous grasps, who gives you the right to choose who dies and who lives in this world?
Your argument is invalid, you claim we don't have the right to choose who lives and dies yet you choose to harbor them and thus choose to let them live.

Unless someone pulls it off well, a Vyre that does not drink blood from one of the common races is guilty of very serious godmoding. If they resort to drinking animal blood it should affect them greatly and it should take a tremendous amount of willpower. It's not impossible, but vyres cannot go around picking flowers and cooking dinner. They have a thirst for blood.

Why would you otherwise choose to roleplay a Vyre in the first place?


King ForumStalker
Your argument is invalid, you claim we don't have the right to choose who lives and dies yet you choose to harbor them and thus choose to let them live.

Unless someone pulls it off well, a Vyre that does not drink blood from one of the common races is guilty of very serious godmoding. If they resort to drinking animal blood it should affect them greatly and it should take a tremendous amount of willpower. It's not impossible, but vyres cannot go around picking flowers and cooking dinner. They have a thirst for blood.
(I cant tell if you are talking IRL or RP here, but just for the record im talking rp, as in there will always be a degree of hipocrisy as my character is biased, just thought i'd point that out)


(I cant tell if you are talking IRL or RP here, but just for the record im talking rp, as in there will always be a degree of hipocrisy as my character is biased, just thought i'd point that out)
Alright. I'm just getting really annoyed by people spreading lies about the slayers and then confronting us about it outside RP.

And with this:

We got a bit carried away ourselves too, but it's getting out of hand now.


Lord of Altera
What the hell just happened in the last 10 mins?

Guys face it, they are monsters, this is not a subjective matter.
A Vyre is a monster, it's a vampire, it feeds on blood. End of.
Honestly tell me that a vampire is not a monster, go on, how many games do you fight vampires in, or in films with vampires as the enemy, hell even tv shows. Why is it so different here?

I just can't wait for the new race list, then this whole "what makes them the monster?" thing will be over. I we can get on with our jobs.

Slight Rage


Leo Decroix said:
Honestly tell me that a vampire is not a monster, go on, how many games do you fight vampires in, or in films with vampires as the enemy, hell even tv shows. Why is it so different here?
(To be honest i get your pount but seeing as this is RP and people should should be able to choose whether their character is good or evil, so a small list of films/games where, mainly vampires, can be be good...CAN be, so im not saying this is the same for all of them:
Vampires assistant
Twilight<- even though its bad
Kinda Underworld
The vampire diaries
These are just the ones i could think of.
So im not saying that they arnt monsters but these are the ways that vampires can be good)
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