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Vigilant order of Slayers

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Lord of Altera
(To be honest i get your pount but seeing as this is RP and people should should be able to choose whether their character is good or evil, so a small list of films/games where, mainly vampires, can be be good...CAN be, so im not saying this is the same for all of them:
Vampires assistant
Twilight<- even though its bad
Kinda Underworld
The vampire diaries
These are just the ones i could think of.
So im not saying that they arnt monsters but these are the ways that vampires can be good)
-You need to feed on the living
-^same but to a greater extent
-Blade isn't a vampire he's a daywalker, all the villains in the film are vampires
-sorta good, still feeding on people and not to mention the faction killing people
-Really? really?
-Nope and also a bad example for werewolves we also hunt
-Even the main guy in that randomly kills people


I cant see how feeding on the living is bad, if they dont kill/harm them. Keeping in mind that some of them didnt want it in the first place.


We'd prefer if alterans didn't feed on the population, so we try to put a stop to it. That's the RP of our organisation. :)


You make a fair point xD
Either way I still dont get why they can't just drink pig blood :p
Because that would make for boring RP. Why would it be interesting to be a Vyre if you could just drink pigs blood? I could tell deadpress to roleplay banditry in my backyard, and then hand over flowers to everyone in the wilds but that'd be very boring no?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'm a Vyre, I also own a Dungeon. When I get a thirst, I just drink from a random murderer inside my Dungeon. So, I consider myself a good person because I don't drink from innocents.


King ForumStalker
Sorry to drag this out, but dont humans grow animals up (innocent ones I might add, I dont remember that pig killing anyone) just to eat them? I'm not trying to cause an argument here but, what's the difference? (This is an IRL question, incase you were doubting)

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
Your argument is invalid, you claim we don't have the right to choose who lives and dies yet you choose to harbor them and thus choose to let them live.

Unless someone pulls it off well, a Vyre that does not drink blood from one of the common races is guilty of very serious godmoding. If they resort to drinking animal blood it should affect them greatly and it should take a tremendous amount of willpower. It's not impossible, but vyres cannot go around picking flowers and cooking dinner. They have a thirst for blood.

Why would you otherwise choose to roleplay a Vyre in the first place?
nay, thats wgere you are wrong. I am an Autrion, we have learned over the many years to drink only the blood of cow, pig, or chicken. And with that it had actually become taboo for any of our peOple to harm an innocent humanoid. But then most of them were slain by The Dark Army. Our people were a peaceful people, which is why your order is wrong. Youve spilt innocent blood. Jakp on the other hand... Well cant say i blame ya for that one. :/


nay, thats wgere you are wrong. I am an Autrion, we have learned over the many years to drink only the blood of cow, pig, or chicken. And with that it had actually become taboo for any of our peOple to harm an innocent humanoid. But then most of them were slain by The Dark Army. Our people were a peaceful people, which is why your order is wrong. Youve spilt innocent blood. Jakp on the other hand... Well cant say i blame ya for that one. :/
So you're a vyre.. but then.. you simply became human again? Boring. Why become a Vyre in the first place if you don't want to be one?

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
No, i was born vyre, but i wanted to break away feom what vyres always are, start a new race but still have some ties to the old race. Which why im 'Autrion' not just 'vyre' They are similar not the same. Really the only similarities is red eyes and teeth. Autrions do not even believe in Kilrox, we believe in Saiteth


No, i was born vyre, but i wanted to break away feom what vyres always are, start a new race but still have some ties to the old race. Which why im 'Autrion' not just 'vyre' They are similar not the same. Really the only similarities is red eyes and teeth. Autrions do not even believe in Kilrox, we believe in Saiteth
That's good then, we don't prosecute Vyres who don't draw common blood. We will however keep an eye on you and warn others about the potential danger. ;)

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
I dont knoooooow... You did cut my wings off and my husband missing a hand... Not saying im goin to attack you, but i still dont like you guys... *futurama fry face*


I dont knoooooow... You did cut my wings off and my husband missing a hand... Not saying im goin to attack you, but i still dont like you guys... *futurama fry face*
We don't have to like eachother, it's good RP ;) I didn't touch you and I'm not sure what the others did, but that day did get out of hand. Kk was withholding important information regarding the Vyre mansion, that's why he was captured.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Sorry to drag this out, but dont humans grow animals up (innocent ones I might add, I dont remember that pig killing anyone) just to eat them? I'm not trying to cause an argument here but, what's the difference? (This is an IRL question, incase you were doubting)
Humans are aware of what happens to them and their surroundings.


The original mute
Humans are aware of what happens to them and their surroundings.
Animals are too, they now when food is around, they know when it's not, same with danger. The only true thing that justifies the killing of animals for food, is we do it in a less painful way than what would happen in the wild.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
According to tantara, someone of this slayers organization did in fact kill two innocent elementals, but thats not the point i want to make right now.
Lars I see this slayers thing as an excellent rp experience, but only if there is conflict. If everyone just lets the slayers work, then people will actually stop being "monsters"
And lets be honest, you are not exactly a moral or legal organization.
There needs to be some opposition to this naturally, so dont get mad if people "spread rumors" that just means you have to find a way to stop them or find a way to rise above it, and the method you choose to solve the problem will prove or disprove your point.

I am against this organiation for the following reasons: (This is rp of course)
1) There is a demon sharing brainspace with me. The demon is very much a monster. I am not, but im not all goody goody either. I do what i must to achieve the greater good.
2) Because of this Demon, and because of my line of work, a case could easily be made against me as a monster.
3) On some level, due to my time with the Hawklights, i can see why this is morally wrong and can sort of understand why you shouldnt be the ones to choose who lives and who dies, but im wrestling with this point because thats what ive been doing for the last 80 years fighting grief and the other enemies of altera.
4) Ive been hearing from my intelligence officers that you have prosecuted innocents before, but i do not know how often nor to what extent
5) Ari has asked me for help protecting people from you in the sanctuary, and I trust him as a family member.

I am for this organization for the following reasons:
1) As a para military group, such an organization as yours would be an excellent auxilliary when the next great war invariably comes, and your team could be valuable
2) While ive heard you prosecute innocents, i also know that do indeed prosecute monsters, and every monster you kill is one less i have to deal with.
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