Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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War on Humans (The Misunderstood)


Lord of Altera
And I guess everyone in the Wilds is a pig or an Admin at the moment, I withdraw my statement till the Wilds open again.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
This attack is not against the humans in the Northern Kingdoms It's a Hit and Run war against the Greedy and Corrupt who stray into our Southern Wilds.
then why is the thread called war on humans


Lord of Altera
Because the Greedy and Corrupt are mainly Humans, In Oliver Twist Mr.Bumble wasn't an Elf or a Dwarf was he?
Dwarves can be greedy, and some elves can be racists. It doesn't automatically mean they are evil races, humans neither.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
We need moar good guys. RP-wise, bad guys are theorically allied with the creepers, pigman, ghasts, zombies, skeletons, etc. What do good guys have?
All players seem to want to be heroes/warriors/knights/paladins... or crusaders *coughs* and the main antagonist is conveniently locked in the Hollows for the time being. :(

Anyway, /re-rail