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War Rules In The Northern Kingdoms


Lord of Altera
1.Each War must have a thread dedicated to its existence.
1a. Upon thread creation, all houses of both sides must be listed, with the main cities and mayors within the houses listed.

2. War itself can only be declared by leaders (Mayors, alliance heads, etc.)
2a. Leaders may designate people to launch attacks

3. Entering an enemy city whilst not in battle is considered consent to PVP, however, the one who entered can not PVP without consent.
3a. If the player has entered on an ooc bases, and is not armed (which probably means he doesn't know of the war status) then he must be warned and can be told to leave. If he still doesn't leave then he can be killed.
3b. PVP is hitting, not just killing.

4. Upon death in battle, said person may not participate in a battle for one hour. (this covers point 8)
4a. Southern Wilds deaths count as well.

5. Cities participating must fly a plain black flag in a central location in the city and at the dock/entrance points.
5a. 4x3 on a 4 high fence flagpole for the main, accessible flag.
5b. To capture a city, side A must destroy the enemy flag and put their flag in its place (next point).
5c. The flag has to be accessible by walking (it can be behind walls, gates etc. because break is on).

6. City capture can only be done on an organised bases with times pre arranged and participators, and if both sides are willing (if the attackers lose, they will have to accept an invasion from the defenders).
6a.Upon city capture, residents from the captured city who died in the battle may not participate in battles until their city is liberated. They may, however, participate in the liberation battle.
6b. If the attackers lose, they will have to accept an invasion from the defenders (if the defenders wish it).

7. Cities are captured/occupied untill the liberation battle occurs (which is planned also).
7a. To signify the occupation the occupier's flag will be flown in place of the black one.
7b. The occupiers can/should roleplay the occupation

8. Any weapon and armour can be used for the unplanned raid, ender pearls are forbidden. On planned invasions and battles the attacker can state the weapons/armour/items allowed in the thread.

9. Cities can be attacked in unplanned skirmishes if:
8a. The town Mayor/house leader is online.
8b. There are at least 4 people who are online and can help defend in the house/town.
8c. If A and B are true, a 10 minute warning must be given to the mayor of the defending city pre-attack.


Lord of Altera
I really don't understand your point...?

This was posted so war can happen, and people won't complain. The fact that wars are coming up is the specific reason that this was made.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Indeed. We are trying to avoid PvP rule breaking while still facilitating massive battles to be fought in our cities.

(this is something that has been discussed by the admins. It is an idea by draco, but not a solo action by him.)


Legend of Altera
RV has a good point, can you use siege weapons? I mean, if admins/whoeverhastheright were willing to roll back the damage afterword, then would it be allowed? (Though if the mayor was willing, they could leave the damage and patch it manually.... you know like an rp fix. For example, a wall with a hole in it could be patched over with a layer of unmatched wood and such.)

Since these are organized battles, there probably would be predetermined targets for the siege machines to hit. Minimizing actual damage (as well as reducing the spamming of firecharges and tnt shots), while adding to the rp feel. (To tell the truth, redstone war machines are my specialty, ooc) As well as there being an agreement between the two town leaders as to what is acceptable.

The only issue is I can see this easily getting out of hand if allowed and then not carefully controlled. Anyway...

so if a coast city is siege are warships allowed to fire at the city?


King ForumStalker
Yes, I believe seige will be used. I remember hearing that rollbacks will be used so that people can break defenses.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Siege will most likely be used, but I wouldn't personally agree with boats. Though they may sound epic, you have to remember that ships tend to be big, and WEing them in and out could cause lag.


Lord of Altera
Trust me, WEing ships only cause minor lag for about 5-10 seconds.

The idea is these will be great server wide events. If bit of temporary lag will improve the quality of them, then so be it!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
What's the drill with permissions in other cities?
Will players be able to switch, break/place blocks, or both? And if both, are there any regulations regarding this, or would they be set at the beginning of the event?