Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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War Rules In The Northern Kingdoms


Lord of Altera
Unplanned skirmishes will be whatever the mayor has set in his city. So the attackers will probably have no break, switch or place permissions.

In planned invasions, the invaders will have permissions in the city and TNT etc. will be allowed. Both sides can decide on any extra restrictions before the battle if they want to.


Legend of Altera
Well, these arn't complex redstone stuff, but I wanted them to fit the rp theme pretty well. They do both work. (I only spent 20 minutes or so) Here, the trebuchet and ballista!2012-11-10_14.25.47.png2012-11-10_14.27.17.png2012-11-10_14.18.21.png2012-11-10_14.18.40.png2012-11-10_14.25.47.png2012-11-10_14.27.17.png


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Hmm. I like these rules, they make organized battles fun but fair, so to speak. In otherwords, you come to agreed rules before fighting and all that.

I like the idea of keeping damaged walls and everything, afterall it would take a while to repair damaged buildings, especially such large structures, especially considering the rubble; so leaving the damage or making it visibly repaired with scrap materials would be good for role-playing.

Having ships, even just as scenery, would make for good role-playing, plus it would explain how troops got in via landings. Having them with siege equipment though? I think if you design the ship with cannons capable of it then you have an excuse.

One thing that should be certain in all organized battles, siege or otherwise, is that an admin/mod has to be present to regulate the rules. You know, make sure that people aren't over-using TNT or something.
I do hope this is incorporated in to the Server, it sounds brilliant if we can make it work!


Lord of Altera
I am a bit confused now, will damage get rolled back now or not?

if yes I'd like to add a suggestion:
The damage shouldn't get rolled back immediately, but after 1 or 2 days, which is far longer time ingame.

Also please define occupied/captured.
From what I gathered in past conversations is that ppl won't loose their towns, yet what is the exact meaning of captured/occupied in that regard?
Take Ulfrics first take on capturing whiterun for example(Skyrim). He originally wanted to let Bulgruuf in power since it would make a stronger statement.

Those two parts imho need clarification so ppl know the consequences of setting a black flag in their town before doing it.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
When a city is Occupied, it means your own forces take over and are stationed in it, rather than the enemy's. In this case, it basically means you own the town but the people in it still live there.


Lord of Altera
I understood that part thanks.
It was more about the deeper problems this causes ;) - Like adding new members to the region and selling plots to them.
There is also a huge potential for grief once the city is occupied.


Lord of Altera
Let them here for the while - you can never know when the Valonyx awakes from his slumber and tries to take over the world ;)