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WARNING: The Dera'Xo is sick!


Yep, prolonged. For our purposes carrying out a full, larger-side conversation perhaps :p


Non sum qualis eram
Please note - the infection vector for smallpox is substantially more difficult to acquire than as stated here.

I don't mind if you say you have it (Go for it!), however, do note.

The primary transmission vector for smallpox is fluid-based, with a secondary transmission via vapour. It doesn't do well outside the body as best I am aware.

Ergo, to really risk it, you require prolonged physical interaction, or to be so close to them and facing them such that you could inhale their exhalation.


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
........Naelwyn's choice of wording makes me question what the soldiers were doing in Valley Forge......


... So, with all the presented points, would I still be 'infected' from the Earthspawn merely passing by me twice?
To be honest I wasn't entirely pleased with it, but I'm not going to void it unless Gamemonster gives fair consent.


Game already got killed and respawning, I was going to silver serptant for sickness medicines but never mind anyway


Lord of Altera
So yeah I guess I did over-exaggerate how easily small pox would spread, but I came pretty close to mitch, 2 times. I was standing on the block next to him for a few seconds, before he moved away. Wouldn't that be enough for it to spread, though?


but I came pretty close to mitch, 2 times. I was standing on the block next to him for a few seconds, before he moved away
I'm genuinely sorry if I sound rude at any point, though I'd kinda like to make a few things known from my recollection.

The first time I rolled to see if I would catch the infection, you were telling me to from multiple blocks away in local. I remember this specifically because I asked in local chat if it has the possibility to spread from that distance, also not knowing what the disease in question was. After I asked if it could spread from that distance, that's when you started coming forward more. I ended up rolling when you were about two blocks away from me. You, ICly, proceeded to merely pass in to the tavern with no extended contact - at least I was under this impression. I rolled one, meaning I did not notice nor catch the disease.

The second time I will agree that you were on the block in front of me and for more time than merely passing by. However, this could not have been more than a minute IRL, and we were not touching. Another character had already previously discovered the pox on the Earthspawn and had announced it to the surrounding group, my character included. I recall emoting some such like '*He glances up at the Earthspawn standing near to him, before jumping back and recoiling in disgust, wiping his clothes*.' That's also when I rolled the six.

Ergo, to really risk it, you require prolonged physical interaction, or to be so close to them and facing them such that you could inhale their exhalation.
In both instances, as said, we did not have contact for more than a minute IRL. The first time would have even only been seconds IC as you passed by. We were also never so close for such a period of time that Syr could inhale the exhalation, as in the second circumstance they were not directly facing one another, merely standing somewhat close (yes, one block away in MC).

To be honest I wasn't entirely pleased with it, but I'm not going to void it unless Gamemonster gives fair consent.
Would you mind answering this so I know if you really want me having the disease? If it's a necessity to your event/plans, then I'd feel bad to disregard the RP despite everything said about the spreading of the disease. I would like to say that I haven't been RP'ing on the server since then (been busy with other games and just haven't found the desire right now to stay on), so I suppose I've sort of 'halted' the worsening of the infection until I get word on this.

Once again, sorry if anything seems hostile or such.


Lord of Altera
I'm genuinely sorry if I sound rude at any point, though I'd kinda like to make a few things known from my recollection.

The first time I rolled to see if I would catch the infection, you were telling me to from multiple blocks away in local. I remember this specifically because I asked in local chat if it has the possibility to spread from that distance, also not knowing what the disease in question was. After I asked if it could spread from that distance, that's when you started coming forward more. I ended up rolling when you were about two blocks away from me. You, ICly, proceeded to merely pass in to the tavern with no extended contact - at least I was under this impression. I rolled one, meaning I did not notice nor catch the disease.

The second time I will agree that you were on the block in front of me and for more time than merely passing by. However, this could not have been more than a minute IRL, and we were not touching. Another character had already previously discovered the pox on the Earthspawn and had announced it to the surrounding group, my character included. I recall emoting some such like '*He glances up at the Earthspawn standing near to him, before jumping back and recoiling in disgust, wiping his clothes*.' That's also when I rolled the six.

In both instances, as said, we did not have contact for more than a minute IRL. The first time would have even only been seconds IC as you passed by. We were also never so close for such a period of time that Syr could inhale the exhalation, as in the second circumstance they were not directly facing one another, merely standing somewhat close (yes, one block away in MC).

Would you mind answering this so I know if you really want me having the disease? If it's a necessity to your event/plans, then I'd feel bad to disregard the RP despite everything said about the spreading of the disease. I would like to say that I haven't been RP'ing on the server since then (been busy with other games and just haven't found the desire right now to stay on), so I suppose I've sort of 'halted' the worsening of the infection until I get word on this.

Once again, sorry if anything seems hostile or such.
I had a plan for an event, but Vurug died too quickly, and I might void those plans. You told me you were AFK when I gave the warning and I believe you. I was a little unfair with the first time you had to roll. If you don't want it, you don't have to have it.


I had a plan for an event, but Vurug died too quickly, and I might void those plans. You told me you were AFK when I gave the warning and I believe you. I was a little unfair with the first time you had to roll. If you don't want it, you don't have to have it.
I appreciate this, and again I'm sorry if I seemed mean at any point (just really wanting to get that through).
I think I'll hold off on having the disease, but let me know if you're going to keep/revise the plans and we can see about it then!



Lord of Altera
I appreciate this, and again I'm sorry if I seemed mean at any point (just really wanting to get that through).
I think I'll hold off on having the disease, but let me know if you're going to keep/revise the plans and we can see about it then!

No problem! :)