Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Warren Rivers | A lie


Bored Brit
Because I get bored and I like to shamelessly bump things, this thread shall now have a regular feature of Letter writing!

*Unenthusiastic 'Yays' fill the room*

But still. It'll be fun, mostly for people who don't know Mor to get a sense of the big ol' Sap that he is.


Bored Brit
As I said, this is a common feature. Whether emotional or not Mor intends to keep his friends updated on his life, wherever they are.

(If there is anyone out there reading these and wondering why he bothers writing them, its just in case Will comes back. Mor wants him to know that he may be gone, but he's never forgotten.)

*Yet another letter written, unsent in Mor's room. This one will never reach its intended party.*

"Dearest friend of mine,

I once more write to you, yet this time I bare good news!
For too long I have put off this letter. . .
Part of me felt guilty I suppose. . .

I'm doing all the things you should've had the chance to do.
Well. . .First off, your family are fine.
They're taking to living with me very well. . .even if your father is,
and I say this with no shame, terrifying. That man is a beast, the way he works is unbelievable.
Secondly. . .Lena is pregnant again. I'm. . .I'm gonna be a dad again. We spoke about names
and well, we thought it only right that if its a boy he be named after the man who

saved his father oh-so many times. If its a girl, we're naming her after my mother, Lucianna.
I've recently taken up brewing my own wine.
Yes, it tastes like shit for now. One day people will talk of
my brews from the deserts of Aelmere to the northern reaches of Avanor.
Or at least. . .I will talk of them whilst
in those places. . .

Anyways, I'll write again soon.

Forever your friend,

Moriarty Windsor-Lydel


Don't know if you have RPed enough with Ri'ita to count for relations but... just throwing it out there!


Lord of Altera
*coughcough* Mmm, I picked a side now fix my relationship you little rat bastard! *Snickers and shoots her characteristic smirk.*
But no really, fix Nia before she gets all annoying and sulky. ;)
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Bored Brit
The Curtain's call.

After waking up in a city he hand never seen before, Moriarty was confused. For the first time in a long time he had no knowledge as to why he was there and what had actually happened. He was scared.
Naturally, his instincts led him to go home and find his family, yet his home in Mockingbay was empty.
He ventured south, knowing of a place he only hoped his family had fled to.
And since he has never been seen.

The feeling of helplessness and confusion fresh in his mind, Moriarty was drawn to a name he had not used for many years. It seemed a life ago that he was this free, since he fell into a river and was lost to his family.

It seemed a life ago that he had been called Warren Rivers.


I have decided to retire Moriarty fully.
I could go no further with his story whilst still feeling comfortable with how he was played.
This does not however mean the Watchers are dead just yet. They still may rise, it all depends.
Anyways, I think thats that.
It was a good run.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
And there goes one of my most favorite assholes.


Lord of Altera
Altera will be a much quieter place without everyone's favorite halfling troublemaker. May his retirement be filled with fond memories and only the best teas.