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What if Hollowworld was Star Wars based?


Lord of Altera
I always thought that the idea of the Jedi trying to attain peace throughout the galaxy was a bit of an impossible feat. There will always be one whose idea of life is destruction and revenge against something, even perhaps the Jedi order itself, I believe.


Legend of Altera
If it was set during the Old Republic era, I would most likely play as an Imperial Trooper, or a Sith.
Aye, in kotor the republic troopers where lame as hell and died so easily so you where basically a one man army vs a proper army.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
@Valonyx would be wearing black and be building a metal moon, @cherbert would be green, have pointy ears and speak incomprehensibly, @SallyRose would have wound up braids on the sides of her head, we would have banned orphan mandalorian backstories, Earthspawn would have a lot mor hair, as would the greylings...


Lord of Altera
@Valonyx would be wearing black and be building a metal moon, @cherbert would be green, have pointy ears and speak incomprehensibly, @SallyRose would have wound up braids on the sides of her head, we would have banned orphan mandalorian backstories, Earthspawn would have a lot mor hair, as would the greylings...
This is awesome. I think the lore for the vanilla server should be Star Wars, as long as it's episodes IV -VI.


Lord of Altera
Somebody write up some quick SW lore for the competition for the Vanilla Server, I mean Sally's got to realize this has got to win.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
This is awesome. I think the lore for the vanilla server should be Star Wars, as long as it's episodes IV -VI.
I would see it rather like Acu and Kaza are stating. Like in Knight of the Old republic. The sith have these ancient buildings. Like in the maya-era and then they have these really advanced robots inside the temple. KOTOR got so much mystery, lots of stuff to roleplay with!
At first I thought to better put this thread in the basement, but the replies are really 'roleplay' based, so let's keep it here and see what replies come more! :D


Lord of Altera
I personally think that if we did this it wouldn't work in Hollowworld though, as with Bukkit there's only really so much you can do with texture packs.

However if we could get the Tekkit/FTB/Hexxit/Hack'N'Slash/Galacticraft server working again, that'd be perfectly suited to this.

I mean with Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald swords you already have the main 3 lightsabers, all you need is a slight texture pack edit. Obviously yellow, purple and the other colours might be a bit difficult but it'd work in the end.

Whereas if we do this in HW with Bukkit, who's to say which colour gets to be Diamond and which one should be Iron? And seriously, if we have to re-texture the bow as a blaster I'd laugh my guts out.


Lord of Altera
Oh and for all you guys who think basing this off the same time as SWTOR, you might want to check this link out.

It's a purely online based SW rp set back in the old days, if we could get something like this working but with MC Tekkit support it'd be amazing I'm sure.

Oh and @spagbog and @Jstar , how's SWU going for you two btw?


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
I could not decide on who would be Jabba... I would have included him if I knew...

Who's as gangsta as him?