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What would you like to see Tavish as?

Would you like to see Tavish as?

  • Evil but not demon being!

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • Good as Neghed!

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Um... Who is Tavish?? Like Cube G4??

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Addendum: (learned that word from Legion): I would say make him evil, but not too obvious. Like an evil mind planning behind the scenes, keeping people with him who are also with a rotten heart !


Lord of Altera
I think you'd have fun if Tavish were trying to be evil but hasn't really got any reason to now that QG is dead. Also, if he's a human (or Demonman, or Samuel L. Jackson) he won't have as much power as he did before to be evil. So he can try to be evil and mess up :p. That's what I'd like to see.


Lord of Altera
For me personally I would not make him 'evil', evil is just a word over dramatized and has been made unrealistic. Make him go down a path of depravity and end up doing what Yoda has just said ^


Lord of Altera
For me personally I would not make him 'evil', evil is just a word over dramatized and has been made unrealistic. Make him go down a path of depravity and end up doing what Yoda has just said ^
*totally not because that's what happened to the governor to the governor or anything*


Lord of Altera
Evil guy spending the rest of his life being evil, causing mayhem and trying to find a way to bring Grief back to life.


sparkles emoji
Maybe make him an evil god follower? Raise an army and attack Arcturus, holy house of the good gods? :heart:


Roleplay keeper
He seems like an old grumphy man, who just hates everyone. He's like "There's two kinds of people and I don't like either."


Lord of Altera
I suppose being grumpy or very nasty for a while because Grief is dead, but eventually I think he should have some kind of advancement or development beyond that. Not to say you were intending anything in opposition to that, but it definitely needs to go somewhere.


Lord of Altera
Straight out evil isn't always that fun, it can feel rather stale.
Straight up good is lame!
I think piratepoo said something about "wicked scheming" which I think is pretty neat.
Giving the appearance of good while secretly doing bad, real awful bad, is something interesting I'd like to see.