Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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What would you like to see Tavish as?

Would you like to see Tavish as?

  • Evil but not demon being!

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • Good as Neghed!

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Um... Who is Tavish?? Like Cube G4??

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
I don't see it like that, and I don't think we should force her into any particular role; remember that she only asked us for advice. Cubey can play Tavish however she feels most comfortable doing so, or however she feels Tavish would be after Grief's death - not to say that they'd be different at all either way.

The point is, play Tavish whichever way you like and we'll appreciate and understand that. :)


Lord of Altera
I don't see it like that, and I don't think we should force her into any particular role; remember that she only asked us for advice. Cubey can play Tavish however she feels most comfortable doing so, or however she feels Tavish would be after Grief's death - not to say that they'd be different at all either way.

The point is, play Tavish whichever way you like and we'll appreciate and understand that. :)
Quoted for truth


Okay, to be honest sometimes I wanted get grief back but I can't

It's no fun if she's world destroyer, I wish her powers were different

But I'm still fine without grief, she is now become guide / helper but not on Altera ;)

It will take my time to decide and ideas of what Tavish is doing...

Gonna host event for Tavish meets Hellgriefer!