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Story Whispers Within the Wind


object oriented
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Retired Owner
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art by powerjahrt
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Throughout the world of Altera, candles flicker often over night. Lighting dimly over a writing desk or within lanterns across libraries. As many among the world read a book, or letter, or sit to storytell, there is often a pause as they talk. As if at the tip of their tongue, the edge of what they know, is just out of reach. A few forget, moving on to the next topic. Some quickly recall it, shaking off their strange forgetfulness. A scholar may reach for a book in the library to recall something, and find it lost. An Elder may sit to teach their grandchild of their culture, but can't quite get a ritual taught. A letter falls to the wayside, vanishing into the shadows of a drawer. A friendly face .. is soon forgotten. Someone.. you used to know. But not all is blurry and trying- a vigorous inspiration blooms within the minds of those on journeys- to continue their pursuits, to not be dissuaded and to be Knowing of things just out of reach.

As the world shifts, upon each early morning, a cold fog draws upon the shores of coastal cities, testing in warning to sailors, pirates and explorers beginning to set sail. Helmsmen complain to Captains of being unable to see the lighthouses to guide their way, for the morning fog makes it difficult, encroaching furthur inwards, but never far from the tides. A tension brews, waxing and waning, slowly thrumming within the deep. Each high moon, the moonlight shines brightly downwards upon those travelling outside.

After a week, Altera begins to notice subtle changes. Among it, various signs sprout, in tandem. Shadows within alleyways, nooks and crannys begin to elongate. The hot days grow hotter, carrying a red tint in the air, the echo of a fire crackling. Cold days become chillier, a peaceful blue flickering light against the grey skies. The forests appear more vibrant in color, carrying a stronger scent of fruits with a hint of spice. The wind picks up around mountainsides, hues of orange haze in the air, carrying the odd laughter of small squeaking children.

Players can choose to ignore or incorporate the loss of something they know within this world change. The severity of the loss, and the sudden inspiration to learn, can be up to the player. If you'd like to rely on RNG- make a list of subjects, people, places your character knows. Choose a number of topics you intend for them to forget. Then /roll 1dx - of however many topics are on the list to choose it. This can happen gradually over the next ooc week or so, or suddenly. Those that are Visage Blessed are un-affected by the ongoing occurance.​
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Lord of Altera
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Candlewood has all the nice things. Join Candlewood today!

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Legend of Altera
Question, - can Know affect people in Hell? Is there a particular information that he wants to tamper with?


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Question, - can Know affect people in Hell? Is there a particular information that he wants to tamper with?
It does not effect those in Hell. But with the timeywimey of Chui's Campaign, you can likely implement it afterwards. The effect will linger in Altera for a while (I'll relay when it fades), to account for a pace of forgetting things.

Nothing specific- anything people are comfortable forgetting.