Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{White List Application} [Declined- solus]


Age: 14

Location: USA, Kansas

Yes I have Read Your Guides

My Name Is Chance I Love Playing MC. In Minecraft I'm always looking for a good roleplay server I'm always eager to help people out {including server} if help is needed. I play Baseball, Swimming, Golf, Fencing, Archery I love Collecting Gem's and Minerals I watch a lot of Anime (Note My Name is a character off One Piece)

I Explored The World Did the first Quest


Name: Halt

Age: 17

Appearance: My Skin Is A Hooded Archer Clad(Meaning Wear) In Camouflage Green

Role Play: One day Halt (age 13) Quickly Jumped out of bed, ran down the stairs, into the kitchen and sits down to eat. Halts mother and father walked in: Mother: Halt you need to go down to the market and get some fresh bacon and milk were all out, Halt Sighs: Huh Fine but can I have extra money to get me some Fresh cakes from the bakery? Father: Ok Son But get Some For All of us. Halt Smiles of Course I will thinking Not I'm going to use the extra money to get the fresh chocolate cakes. He Grabs The Money From Out of his Mother hands Hugs His Father Kisses His Mother And Bolts Out the Door, When He Finally Gets Into Town He Notices a Crowd He Walk Up to them to see what the commotion was about, when he finally saw what the crowd was looking at he stared in disbelief. There Were 4 Figures Standing in the middle of the crowd In Green and Grey Molten Cloaks Carrying Longbow's and leady 4 small shaggy barrel horse's into the stable. He Looked In Awe Of the Member Of The Mysterious Group Called The Ranger Corps.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
I have to unfortunately decline the application. Please have a good look through the guides and our server posts. Plagiarism on characters is not allowed, you'll have to be creative and make an original character. Your Test needs to be 400 word minimum. Make sure you fill out all the questions and keep to the format of whitelist applications for easier reading. Feel free to reapply with another thread post once you're prepared and ready after reading the guides.