Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Whitelist - Fraternity Mitch [ Accepted - Jase ]

{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username:FraternityMitch

Age: 22

Country & Timezone: US Central

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: It’s using what you know behind the scene of the roleplaying session and using them as advantage to your lore. (Ex. Your friends character is lost, and you use your coordinates to locate them from them DM’ing you.) And with powergaming… Basically don’t try and be a god amongst everybody. You can’t automatically block every attack from 300 soldiers and then explode them with a snap of your fingers. Summed up, you can’t constantly be generating impossible scenarios that favor yourself over other players . This also includes attempting to control somewhere elses character in your roleplay. Ex. Player 1: *Draws sword and swings directly at Player 2.

Player 2: *Watches as Player 1 slips onto the ground accidentally stabbing themself in the face.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: I’m a college student from the US, love to be outside with hiking. Currently awaiting my employment in the cyber security industry to start my career. I have been a minecraft player since launch taking pretty long breaks and I am back again. I have played on LOTC, and I have been curious on this one for awhile

Referral: Myself/Planet MC


{Character Section}
Character Name: Alden Teach

Age: 21

Race: Human

Appearance: An Average Height (5”10) male, with brown and medium-long length hair, dark brown eyes, and sun-tanned skin. He wears fitted pants with a dark blue one over-vest, and a longsleeve cloth shirt underneath.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): To become familiar with this man, it is important to start from his beginning. The Teach family resided in an an average sized merchant village. Here, they were the proud owners of “Teach Harbor”. A shop port off the coast of town dedicated to receiving and sending various different products to other connected ports. Teach Harbor was maintained by Alden Sr. - Head of Security, and Polly Teach - Head of management. Along with their son, Alden “Ardy” Jr. who would become a cargo laborer at an early age. Along with the Teach family was Lillian Whitlock, the Sister of Polly and Aunt to Ardy. Who would play a prominent figure in his upbringing. The parents of Alden Jr. had genuine love, and care for the boy. However, they kept their mindsets on the business. They were raising Ardy that work is the only opportunity life has to offer. Their demeanor was always cold, and “strictly business”. They would prohibit Ardy from his enjoyment in drawing pictures, and having any sorts of toys. Instead taking him to the harbor and forcing him to watch how labor works. They were invested in their jobs almost 24/7. On days they would leave Ardy at home, Polly’s sister Lillian was the caretaker to Aldy, eventually becoming his adopted mother. Lillian was the complete opposite of her sister and inlaw. She was emotionally distraught on how the Teach’s viewed their business, and more importantly on how they were raising their toddler as a work machine with no personality. Lillian’s late Husband Frederick Whitlock was a pioneer on the sea’s. Her house was filled with portraits, and items found from numerous different places Frederick had went. When at her house, Ardy would touch the portraits, later attempting to recreate them in drawings, adding in himself to imagine he was an adventurer. Lillian kept a hidden folder filled with his artwork, since she knew his father would dispose of them. As Aldy had started to grow into a pre-teen, he started his employment at Teach Harbor as a physical laborer hauling cargo. His parents felt comfortable and proud with having him work under their name. However his obsession with sailing, and knowing the world only became more apparent. On one night, Aldy was fed up from keeping his dream a secret and told his father what he wanted to do with his life. Alden Sr. Barely listened to what his son was venting. He lashed out, berating Ardy telling him his life is meant nothing other than being a Teach. Alden Sr. started to constantly argue with his wife about their son, berating her if she said he was overreacting. Due to the fear of her husband, Polly had remained quite neutral and quiet under the circumstances. Ardy was punished by his father, being locked in his room for days with nothing but food, water, and a bucket which his mother would come in and replace. Sr.’s justification for this abuse was that it would “make him choose the right path. Ardy was empty, feeling lonely and hopeless. During isolation, with no paper or writing tools, Arty took a piece of wood sticking out from the floor boards; carving pictures of ships, pirates, and jungles on the wall of his room. After going through his sons belongings from his now empty room, Alden Sr. found story books with notes written in them from Lillian to Ardy, leaving him with a rotten disdain for her. Lillian, worried for her nephew would visit the Teach house to check on him, to which Alden Sr. Would send her away saying “you already did enough”. Furious, Lillian waited for a night where Sr. Was staying late at work. Lillian entered an unlocked Teach house, where Polly was sitting at the kitchen table emotionless. Lillian convinced Polly to unlock Aldy’s room, and let him out. Polly walked with Aldy to the harbor and confronted Alden Sr. After a heated argument, it was concluded Aldy would be free from his room, and given his job back. Only, that Lillian had no further contact with her nephew. Years went on until Ardy was 15. Through the years becoming a teenager and working at the harbor port, Aldy witnessed countless of diverse people, cultures, and artifacts from across the realm stopping at their harbor. This only made his craving for life on the sea stronger. Randomly, out of pure impulse on a cold foggy night Alden attempted to stow onto a ship filled with sugar. Here, he started his journal. Entry 1: Run from Life Today is my 15th birthday. I have struggled with this impulsion of being free. Land is not where I am set for eternity. It is the oceans where my true freedom lies. This may break mother and father’s hearts. But this is not where mine belongs. Aunt Lillian knows where my heart lays. End of Entry 1. That night Alden made an unplanned attempt at sneaking a board a sugar ship. All he had on his person was a piece of stale bread, and a dull butter knife. He left his bedroom and house quietly, thinking he had not been seen. Alden climbed up the stern side of the ship. It had appeared to be empty. Staying low and slow, he had finally made it to the sugar storage. Seeing how far he had gotten. Reality had set in and Alden Jr. almost had changed his mind through a panic. After some deep breaths. and a pause, he was ready. A bag of sugar stacked in the back right corner caught Alden’s eye. He jammed the bag repeatedly with the dull knife until it was punctured. Sugar had started to pour out in front of him. A nervous Alden had quickly rotated the bag to the side of the wall, so the fallen sugar would not be visible on the other side. Crawling into the large bag, he had to tuck his legs in, and fill his top side with sugar so his hiding spot looked natural. Into the night, a man noticed one of the gas lanterns in the harbor still aflame (sugar is extremely flammable, and it would be unsafe for it to be lit next to the ship). He ventured out to suffocate the light when he heard a puncturing noise coming from within one of the ships. After the lantern was extinguished, he crept into the dark backroom of the ship and found the boy in a sack of sugar. The man who had found Alden Jr. was his father. This time, His father was neither angry, nor disappointed. He had given up. He permanently banned Alden Jr. from being anywhere on the harbor premises, and pulled his son from his will; erasing the chance of Alden Jr. from becoming the owner of Teach Harbor in his adulthood. The next morning Alden Sr. Stormed to Lillians house with his sons belongings, and threw them into her front door exclaiming, “HE’S YOUR CRIMINAL NOW”. The next years up until his 21st birthday, Alden was left with no money, and no job. He loved and cherished his aunt, but could not accept his dream was impossible. The closest he was to his future was watching passing ships in his bedroom window. Seeing the depressive state her nephew had been falling into broke Lillians heart. What he wanted most, she knew she could not give. One the evening of Alden Jr.’s 20th birthday, Aunt Lillian had invited his parents to her townhouse for a wonderful pig dinner. They reluctantly agreed, due to Ardys mother begging her husband to let her see him. Dinner was ready at the Whitlock house, and the Teach’s arrived quickly. Alden Sr. remained silent the entire night while Ardy, Polly, and Lillian danced, played games, and conversed. Later on, Lillian asked Ardy to clean up the kitchen while the rest of the family was in their living space. Underneath Ardy’s plate was a paper with a note Port three, a small fishing vessel is awaiting for your arrival. Slip out the window in your room I have left open quietly. Without hesitation, Arty walked to his room casually and slipped out the window. He felt cold rain rushing down his hair onto his body. He didn’t care, he ran to port three, and there it was….The vessel. A man with pointed ears who stood at a tall stature greeted him onto the boat. The man said “You’re the nephew right?” Arty nodded yes. He replied “What a nice lady”. And they took off. (Back at Lillians) Not long after they had departed, Polly had begun to wonder where Ardy went. Lillian attempted a distraction to keep her from searching his room, but failed. Polly went to his room, found the open window and shouted “He’s gone!”. Alden Sr. came to assistance and exclaimed, “the ports!”. The married couple ran out of the house as fast as they could, leaving jackets behind, and the door open. Lillian casually walks to the door, closes it, and smiles. 1 year later… On a beach somewhere…. A child is running along the beach kicking stoned into the water, when he encounters a water damaged, but dry small journal. He opens it and the first page is ripped out. The second page says: Entry 2: “What happens now.”


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"Something need doing?"


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