Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Whitelist is back

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The whitelist is back up. Promoting peasants to villager is proving to be just as time consuming as whitelisting. Peasants spawn in port silver and hang about and on busy nights OOC chat is full of questions on how to become a villager. Many of them don't read the rules or the Tome of Citizenship.

This time we want to do the whitelisting process a lot more simplified, just a few general questions. If they can speak in coherent scentences and show a genuine interest in participating in the community, that's enough. The fact that they are making an applications shows a level of dedication beyond what some of the current peasants are showing. It also makes sure they know where to find resources on the server, the ToC etc. It will help us block the most complete idiots with stupid skins.


Sorry I did something wrong when enabling the whitelist. Fixed now :p
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