Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Who do you RP with?


Lord of Altera
I usually wander around Port Silver a lot for RP but I do have a unlucky select few who I primarily RP with, mostly as I think I got myself in a nutshell of not reaching out more

Piratep00f - Librarian with a passion
Wakerman4 - I'm so confused
Freyadavis - Part of the rarest racial gender on Altera
MRPolo13 / Minibuns1342 - Inquisiting and Dwarven
Camicaxe - He's an Axe
Duncania_X - Duncan of the Argonauts
Jakp25 - Stuck-up-the-toilet Noble
Jstargames and his alts - Fishy Mage
Cherrysparx777 - Elfin' around with a passion

I need to get out more with my grouping...


Lord of Altera
Michcat - only one who actually stood up to Andras
Valisa - Shows how to show fear.
MRpolo13 - Char shows devotion to the job
Scardrac - who said barbarism couldn't have class
Wakerman4 - can be funny and serious at times
MissPlums - the servers only full time mother
Bettemus99 - so fun to rp with :p
Jstar and his Alt though he may not admint it Triton is Caspians Best friend
MrLighty - I love that green fool
Karasu_1996 - The only Magical person Andras and Caspian respect
Jakp25 - ma babeh

Your all just too awesome to count, your just all so unique and that's what makes this server awesome
*doesn't see his name*


*shifty eyes*

*removes as minion of Queen Grief*


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Caedd - He knows his stuff (die)
Michcat - Is that the actual character behind the keyboard or... (deliciously awkward)
BLargTheAwesome - /awesome/
Kk72390 - Awesome character with a great tattoo *ahem*
There definitely seems to be a regular Kavdam crowd... :p

Also, updated mine with actual information.


Magus of Nothing
Aeturnumbrae- The best insults
Jakp25 - ma babeh
Jakp25 - Stuck-up-the-toilet Noble

Thanks for painting me as a very considerate and nice person. From this you could visualize me as a baby with an attitude...


i RP with literally anyone i come across. makes it so much more interesting seeing all the different roleplayers and styles and such. Never once had a dupe scenario. every day is different for me.

the only werid thing is... ive roleplayed with myself before... but part of a group... but still :confused:


mintybacon - ...The only reason I RP with him is because he's funny OOC. (;
Rygan_Deathblade - My character's awkward little thirteen year old friend.
Michcat - My character's favourite person, considered a ''close friend'' in a short time.
warkell - A great RP'er, although he hasn't been on much lately, and I haven't met his new character.

^ Those are the people who I often RP with, a small list, I know. ^

I want to begin RP'ing with everyone in Kavdam on a daily basis, being as it's my character's new home.

Edit: I want to start RP'ing with just everyone, really, except my character is truly too shy/nervous/awkward to engage in conversation with strangers, at least not often.


Coffee Enthusiast
Caedd- Well duh.
Michcat- Do I have to go into detail.
Soccernut13- Pretty cool character, whoisalsoveryadorable.
JasonK94- Leader of Rangers.
All of the Rangers- Cuz dey be Rangers.
BLarghtheawesome- Creates awesome characters.
Scardrac- Sexy abs are sexy.
And many others! thatimtoolazytowriteabout.