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Who is, Henrick Releford?


Lord of Altera
/!\ WARNING! /!\
I might as well clear this up right here. The way my characters work is, I only use one. On every server, I use the same character. So right now, Henrick is the character I use on all servers. If one character dies from anything on any of these servers, he's dead on ALL other servers. Also, only physical appearances and knowledge / memories are transfered to other servers. So no magical properties, transformations (Henrick's a werewolf on another server :3), and abilities. So everything listed on here, all happened on other servers including Hollow. That's why this App may be a little long! Plus, I kinda like to write.​

Name: Henrick Releford
Nickname/Alias: Henry, Rick. (Too bad I cant put naughty words here. Otherwise the list is endless)

Age: He likes to consider himself 35, but in reality, his real age is unknown.

Gender: Male? *Checks pants* Yep, male.

Race: Mainly human, with traces of Elven blood.

Social Status: Approach him when he's relaxed? Expect a good time. But when weapon in hand and not too happy lookin'? I'll let you guess that one on your own.

Sexuality: The fact that a woman actually found interest in him? That oughta be good enough!

Height: Six foot two.

Weight: With armor and prosthetic leg: At least 250. Without: 215

Date of Birth: N/A

Date of Death: Though, he may have come close to death many times... Maybe a couple hundred times for all we know, he's yet to die...

Homeland: N/A, but, the place had to involve snow. Henrick loves snow!

Current Home: Silverwatch

Build: Pretty well built, he has a noticeable muscular tone but, not buff. Close, but not quite. Being buff isn't Henrick's cup-o-tea due to it making him look bigger and badder. Surprise your enemies, not let them expect it.

Hair: Messy, tan, short hair that's usually hidden under his helmet.

Eyes: Dark emerald green in his left eye, but discolored grey in his right.

Skin: Light shade of tan throughout his entire body.

Identifying Marks:
HAH. This'll be quite the list!
- Other than the very noticeable eye scar upon his right eye that stretches about half way down his right cheek and middle forehead.
- Small scar on the bottom right side of his lower lip.
- Small chunk of flesh missing at the starting point of the bridge of his nose. Healed and scarred over.
- Bit of cartilage missing from his right ear lobe. Healed and Scarred.
- Scar half way across the front of his neck, line ending close to the jugular from an assassin's failed attempt at silent takeout.
- Birth mark that resembles somewhat like a deformed hawk above his left bicep.
- Front and Back painted with multiple scars ranging from small to medium sized due to brawls.
- Tip of his right thumb seems to look shaven down a bit.
- Left pinky seems slightly deformed due to door slamming on it... Heheh... Oops...
- Large scar down his right arm from bear attack that he failed miserably at trying to defeat. Eventually went back to the den and kinda... Blew the place up. Leave it to your imagination as to how you wanna picture that.
- Scar on his left palm... May have been from a ritual he was forced to do...
- Both thighs are marked with rope burns that took forever to heal and left discolored skin.
- Missing his left shin + foot from a not so happy customer. Replacing the shin + foot, is a wooden leg with metal plating surrounding the wood, attached under the knee cap. Thankfully it wasn't the whole leg...

Quite the freakin' list...

- Simple iron chestplate, arm guards, and right shin guards. Able to deflect basic blows such as punches / kicks, knife swipes, and basic melee weaponry.
- Armor covered in plenty of scratches + small dents. Repairs are needed but... Money.

- His chin has a square-ish like form that's nestled in his trimmed facial fuzzies that also go along with his thick neck. Bulky towards the chest area and shoulders. He's slimmed down to the waist, thighs are slightly expressed due to the constant traveling, meaning he's got quite the booty going. His legs seem to be somewhat slimmed due to the faint Elf-ish features he inherited. His feet are decently large in size, but not too terribly large.

If he's not wearing his armor, normally he's:
A: Shirtless with his leggings
B: Casual wear consisting of a simple white shirt with rolled up sleeves and bottom of his shirt tucked into his tan leather pants. Simple leather shoes applied as well.
C: Naked because he's drunk off his (Insert bad word for butt here!). Don't worry, this rarely happens. And I do mean rarely.

- Mainly armed with a light weight, yet sturdy hatchet with re-enforced steel around the shaft of his handle. Able to penetrate basic armor with slight difficulties. Can split chainmail, but cause little damage.
- Prosthetic leg! Henrick taught himself basic kick boxing against drunks who thought it'd be great to choose Henrick as their target. Able to shatter bones against exposed limbs, may cause a fracture when limbs are guarded with chainmail, and only causes slight knockback with basic armor. Also has an empty slot towards the toes area to shove a blade handle into for a makeshift boot blade!
- Butter knife. Yes, I said butter knife. Mainly used for spreading goods on bread and or cutting food items, this can also be used as a weapon for when someone tries an attempt at taking his food. First is a threat, then a raised butter knife. Damage? Can pierce ALL KINDS OF ARMOR. Just kidding, it can only go through skin really.

Prized Possessions:
- His prosthetic leg, of course! It reminds him of the time he actually survived a near death situation and that he's a beast. Well, not really. It was simple luck and friends who helped out on that. You know what? STORY TIME! (This actually happened on another server!)

Once upon a time on another server, a man named Henrick Releford was tasked to fill out a contract. You know, because he's a mercenary and all. The contract read:
Target: (Name will be hidden for safety reasons.)
Reasoning: Murdering the neighbor's wife and children, including the family dog and horse. The man had become mentally ill and has been declared 'Insane'. Proceed with caution.
Reward: Dead or Alive, 30,000 Gold
Accepting the contract, Henrick went and performed the deed. The man had proven quite difficult to defeat, but eventually Henrick had succeeded. Gaining his reward and a few scars, including the missing cartilage from his ear. Unfortunately, the man had a remaining brother who desired to avenge his brother's death. While Henrick was in his small home, the man had begun to scream outside Henrick's home, "You dirty Mercenary scum! If you're a true man, face me to the death!" Henrick raised a brow at the sudden noise, not quite sure as to what to do because this had to be some hardcore Metagaming right here, so let's play along. Henrick went outside, axe in hand. The two had exchanged angered glares and eventually Henrick struck first, swiping the man's thigh. As the man had fallen down, he managed to magically swing his longsword to perfectly slice Henrick's leg clean... Somehow. According to the admins, this was a valid attack. Henrick shrugged and fell. The commotion had attracted quite the crowd, most of them being Henrick's allies. The man had attempted another odd swing towards Henrick, but, after Henrick had crawled away, blood pouring out from his leg, someone else had kicked the man's sword out of his hands. Then a group held him down. Two of Henrick's allies had ran inside Henrick's home to go and heat up a pan. While a nearby doctor tied a belt around the stump, the two others ran back out with a red hot pan. Giving Henrick no time to prepare, they slapped the pan onto the wound, cauterizing the stump. This process had to be repeated twice. By now, someone had knocked out Henrick's opponent. After a moment, Henrick was brought into his home and laid to rest for two or three days days straight. The man had been locked up and when Henrick received a prosthetic leg, a public execution of the man had been ordered two days prior to Henrick's ability to walk. On the day of the execution, Henrick was the one who swung the axe down, separating the man's head from his shoulders.
- Silver necklace that he received from one of his past wives, Naomi Releford.

Hygiene: Pretty well kept up, though, he may wreak after hard day's work. He eventually bathes afterwards, trimming the facial fuzzies as well.

Voice: His voice has a somewhat deep baritone, yet smooth as he talks.

- His hand to Hand combat is deadly. That's if the fight is fair of course. He can't do much if the opponent is decked in armor... That's when kick boxing comes in!
- He's able to lift heavier objects up to a couple hundred pounds, though, he may struggle a bit.
- Talking / Persuasion skills are well practiced. It's how he most times receives better rewards after tasks. And or if he simply wants someone to fetch him a mug'a ale.
- Agility is well practiced. But due to his prosthetic leg, he's slowed down slightly due to the inability to properly walk. He's able to sprint, but may have to come to occasional slowdowns to adjust his prosthetic leg.

Deadlift - 650lbs
Bench - 350lbs
Squat - 500lbs
Curls - 110lbs
Cleaners - 200lbs

- Cats. Something about felines sends a chill up his spine. Though, tolerable, he prefers not to be around cats very much.
- Animals larger than him, meaning bears. F**K bears.
-Poisoned drinks are for sure. He's nearly chocked on a spiked drink. But due to the slight discoloration of his Ale, he spat the drink back out. Henrick knows the colors of his Ales and a light green tint isn't the Ale he likes.
- Large groups aren't exactly his style of communication. Most times he manages to slip out of parties and or large get-togethers. Too much to focus on and not enough space!
- Snails / slugs are disgusting and should die all together.

- Slight PTSD, meaning sudden noises or loud situations could trip Henrick. Also, don't startle him. Unless you have a death wish and a will already set up.
- Prosthetic leg tends to slow him down a bit and if the leg's damaged or missing, he's lost and the world is a terrible place... His leg is like the kids and their taffies...
- Due to all the scars, most sitting positions can become uncomfortable. He also has many weak spots that are caused by these scars.
- Puppies. Puppies. PUPPIES. Henrick cannot resist dogs! You bring a dog near, he must ask you that if he could pet it or play with it. Just. Dogs...

Intelligence: From the start of his travels, Henrick was quite the dumb boy. He had very little knowledge on the world and how things worked. But the more he travelled, the more information he gathered and learned from. By now, Henrick isn't exactly a genius, but he knows enough to get by in life. Though, he can be quite the smart (Insert bad word for butt) at times.

Languages: He knows the English language fluently and very little elf. By very little elf, I mean when an elf is yelling at him in their native tongue. Normally that involves naughty words and insults. Even if he does have traces of elf in him, doesn't mean he knows the language.

Profession: If you hadn't guess and or even read this App fully yet, then you're obviously missing out on quite a bit of info. I recommend going back and actually reading everything I said. Then you'll know Henrick's profession.

- Playful when he's in a good mood.
- Relaxed when he finally finds a decent position to sit in and a good Ale to drink.
- Pissed when you make him mad. Hope that you don't experience this side...

Religion or Cults: Henrick strongly believes in the Way of the Henrick. Meaning he doesn't do either of these. Nor will he judge others due to their beliefs. He might ask you about it in curiosity though.

Alignment: He is his own man! Well, that's if he's been married... Again... Poor guy, lost two wives so far...

Short Term Goals: None. All Goals shall be long term and never short!

Long Term Goals:
- Finally settle down and raise a family.
- Perhaps leave Mercenary work after family plan has been achieved. Then start up a leather working shop.
- Remove all snails and slugs off the face of the planet.


Place: He doesn't have a favorite place to be. Perhaps at Crossroads tavern, but that'd be it. He does too much travelling in order to come up with a favorite place to be.

Pastime: Help those who're in need of any form of support. Seeing one down in the ditches also places him into the ditches as well. If you're depressed, he'll try to help you out on that in any way he can, though, he knows his boundaries. Meaning when to help and when not too.

Food: A decent plate of medium rare slab of beef seasoned with natural herbs and spices? With mixed veggies? And perhaps a starch of any choice? Perfect.

Drink: Ale! No drink is better than a decent mug of Ale.

Colour: Pink. The man likes the color pink. Why? It's a playful color, yet also a color that can soothe. Just like his personality.

Animal: Only if they were truly real and existent, but, Dragons! And Peregrine Falcons. Those are real though.

Least Favourite...
Place: Again, no favorites or non favorites due to all the constant travelling.

Pastime: Contracts, though he may still do them, he prefers not to do them at all. But if it provides food in the belly and a roof over his head it works.

Food: How could you possibly dislike food?!

Drink: Green Tea, mainly due to the fact it's nearly tasteless.

Colour: Black, too dark of a color. Pink's where it's at.

Animal: Cats... Slugs and snails... Bears...

There's not much to Henrick's true backstories except for memories that he managed to recover. Some being of him and his past friends in his early teens, to the snow of what could've been from where he grew up. Though there were a few distinct memories he could remember. Most being about the harsh travels and being chased down by racists. His mother was an elf and his father being a human, that wasn't suppose to be a mixture. The child was to be killed, a damnation to man and Elven kind. But that's only from what he remembers. The story could possibly be totally different from what he wants to believe. It's better to think that he knew his parents somewhat, rather than not knowing at all.

When Henrick had finally started travelling out on his own, he finally took up the mercenary career. It was more like hired help, providing assistance to those who had the coin to pay. After a few years of the basic grunt work, he finally moved onto signing contracts. They had only been simple contracts. Nothing too dangerous, nor very hard. Just take out the target, dead or alive. Either way, he got paid for it and that's all that matters. Then things started escalating after that. Contracts became all the more difficult. Most started to involve bringing in live captures. Then moved back onto dead or alive contracts. Only, these contracts fought back, causing many wounds and scars to appear all over Henrick's body.

Eventually, Henrick started to lay low on all the contracts. Filling out so many, also put a large bounty on his own head. For now, the bounty number is unknown, that's if there still is one. Either way, Henrick's going into simple hiding. Providing help for people who need it. Occasionally a contract is needed due to shortage on money. So now he's just trying his best to settle down and perhaps start a family, create a normal life for himself. Though, things have changed drastically when he finally did so. He married the woman whom he loved most dear, Naomi. They lived out in Silverwatch together for quite a while. He took her hand in marriage a few years prior to their engagement and they attempted children. But Naomi had been infertile, unable to produce a child. After perhaps many months of multiple attempts, she was finally able to hold a child. When the time came, Naomi had gone into labor. But the stress and pain had been too much for the feeble woman, causing her to pass during child birth. When the child finally came out, it had been a stillborn. Henrick had become devastated and went into hiding for perhaps a year or so to recover from his loss. But not he's back and trying to overcome his loss. So far, he's done better than expected.

Relationship Status:
By: Tanjya ( @Asirel Luik )

My in-game name is: Dogbot32
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The Courier

Lord of Altera
I enjoy this. Feel free to delete my response if you wanna save up some room for other things.

As for his lifting a 100 pounds, lemme tell ya about my own gains. IRL, I'm 5'9" and 157lbs, I can deadlift 240lbs, squat 315lbs, and bench roughly 145lbs [Bench game is weak af]

This dude's 6'2" and a trained fighter. I've started weight lifting like a month ago. I'd recommend upping his ability to use his strength. After all, 215lbs of muscle is gonna be pretty damn good. If you want some ideas of what I think would be good for him I'll use my IRL buddies as an example [They're 6'1" - 6'3"]

My buddy:
Deadlift - 400lbs
Bench - 250lbs
Squat - 400lbs
Curls - 70lbs
Cleaners - 160lbs

Take and use these as you wish. c:


Lord of Altera
I enjoy this. Feel free to delete my response if you wanna save up some room for other things.
Updated :) Thanks for the recommendation. I was trying to make my character not seem like some sorta OP guy, ya'know? But, now that you mention that, I might as well increase his strength and whatnot

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Updated :) Thanks for the recommendation. I was trying to make my character not seem like some sorta OP guy, ya'know? But, now that you mention that, I might as well increase his strength and whatnot
I know what you mean man, but getting big does make you get big. c: