Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wolf's Profile

Name: Wolftamer3200
Nickname: Wolf
Race: Human

Height: 5'11
Weight: 58kg
Hair: White
Eyes: Black
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: None
Appearance: Old. White beard. Always wheres goggles.
History: Wolf is an alchemist in a small remote unknown village. As a kid he always experimented with different herbs and plants, combining them to make new things. At first he was horrible at it. Making every mistake he could. Most experiment resulted in failure. Although, soon he was mastering the art. As he grew older he learned to cherish nature and he also studied the properties of various ingredients. When he was starting to get the hang of things a terrible storm came by and wiped out the small village. No one ,except Wolf, survived.
Beliefs: Shalherana, Goddess of nature
Personality: Wolf is not a fighter. If in a situation where violence is occurring, he will usually talk his way out of it. Although he believes in Shalherana, he keeps his beliefs to himself so he does not offend others. Wolf is a social person. He like talking and meeting new people. Wolf always ask questions and finds history very interesting.
Skills: Alchemy and Farming.
Strengths: Silver tongue.
Weakness: Explosions.