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X-ray[Ban Stands]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I have a quick question, I don't want an argument - just an answer. Why when I posted my appeal did you say I couldn't
A: Give back the excitement to somebody actually FINDING the ores legit - Well, There are plenty more ores in the ground, or however the saying goes...
B: If ores are useless, why is it a big deal I cheated to get a few of them?
C: Surely somebody doing something like this, easily forgive-able, should get a second chance - or a caution at least? not just a straight off permanent ban?
Finally D: What is to stop me from just giving the ores back? I can hand them over, for an admin to dispose of in lava or something - thus cheating gets me nowhere??


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh and...

Hi, I'm Ozikar .
I have been on the server for 8 hours, and am a villager. I used to work on a server as an administrator, so know the importance of not griefing other people's property. I am an excellent builder (If I do say so myself) and have worked on large scale multiplayer projects. I would like to join Ascension Heights in order to further develop my residence on hollow world, for example: Build a nice little medieval house, start mining, planting seeds etc. etc.
Thankyou for reading my application, and I hope you accept me :)

That was my application for joining a town, some of the comments were very nice. I quote "He seems like a nice chap" . I just think it a shame that I have been banned for an easily made-up-for offence... I really hoped to have fun on hollow world. Now, you don't have to accept me back into the server and forget about this, but I am making one last plea. Thanks again, that is all.​


King of the north!
no we didn't. Read through the other ban appeals. We don't accept cheating, especially off people so new since its in our rules and surely new players should be sticking to the rules as much as they can to not get in trouble.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I said I was sorry, and although that "doesn't make up for it" I really just want a second chance? That's all I ask!?


Grand Lizard
Cheating is cheating, regardless of what your opinion of it is, it is wrong and against the rules. You were banned, you are going to stay banned.

The rules clearly state to not cheat, yet you ignored them.


King of the north!
Sorry but no. If you can't follow the rules first time round, why would we trust you to the second time round? We have the peasant and villager ranks for a reason. This is that reason. If you were a knight/lord and were caught xraying you would be perm banned. The fact you weren't even off the probation rank is bad. The ban can stay.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
X-ray is one of the worst possible things i can think of, the only thing worse is major griefing, but even that is debatable as we would just roll it back.
Here are the effects x-ray has:
Causes a mass influx of ores that imbalance the economy.
Gives you an unfair advantage against other players who are doing it legit
Makes you get rich quick without much work
Removes the fun of it from you(Whats the point of playing Call of Duty if you have hacked God mode? It stops being fun)
Shows us that you dont care about our rules, and is massively disrespectful
Makes it (Although minorly) harder for other players to find those ores. (Sure your one case wouldnt have a noticable effect, but if we allowed it it woiuld)
It would make us look bad and set a precedence if we allowed you another chance
Gives us proof of your intentions, and shows you lied.

Ban will stand


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well, I didn't lose anything by appealing... Bad knowing you :)

Looks like these admins :cool: (horatio sunglassses) Are retarded


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
you probably just got an ip ban, not that youd care.
Have fun holding a job with attitudes like that.
Locking this, if thats alright.


Grand Lizard
We are retarded because we banned you for breaking the rules? Doing our job like we are supposed to? Yeah i see your point there, not.


King of the north!
Wow... out of the billions of insult you could come up with, you come up with a poorly ripped off horatio meme? That makes me a sad panda :(


King of the north!
i just find it funny how he thinks saying bad knowing you and calling us retards will actually insult or offend us :L

Also which is more retarded, us enforcing rules, or breaking the rules when you are a new player and thinking we will let it go?
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