Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Xlatem Sumato (metaldude223's) Application [Declined - Ghost]


About you

1) MineCraft Username: metaldude223

2)Age: I am 17 years of age.

3)Where I'm Located: I am in the US.

4) Reading the Guidelines: Yes, I have full gone through and understood the guidelines.

5) Introduce yourself!:
Hello, my name is Charles, but please feel free to address me by either Xlatem or Xla. Let's see here... I love to write, ever since I was really young I've picked up a pencil and started writing. It has been a big inspiration to me and has even gotten me through rough times. I'm actually prepping to have once of my books published in the near future once I complete the last bit of it. Exciting!

As well as writing and roleplaying, I write songs. I picked up playing guitar a while back and I enjoy that in my free time. I love science! Preferably forensic studies, which is what I'd love to major once I finish up my final year of high school this year.

If there's anything else anyone would like to know, shoot me a message or however you'd like to contact me, I don't bite. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I believe that friends are one of the most important things in this world, and each and every one of them I hold very close to me. I've gotten off on a small tangent there, haha, but I digress. Hope to meeting new people and enjoying my time on the server. ~Xlatem.

6) Got any examples of your work?: Yes, I have two images that I can show for of prior builds I worked on.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?: I have not gotten to yet, though my friend was screen sharing and I was able to view pieces of the world. They looked great!

8) Referrer: (Optional): Tyrese07

About My Character

:Xlatem Sumato (Pronounced X-al-a-tem Sue-ma-toe.)



Appearance: Xlatem is a 5' 11" male with short jet black hair and and olive complexion. He has no markings on his body (Tattoos), but however had a small silver earring in his left ear. His physical proportions are of a slender nature.



The Test: Xlatem was born in a small town under the name of Netromaso. Xlatem had what would be called a normal life. He went to school, helped his mother around the house, and had his own small group of friends who he associated. The on thing he didn't have, at least entirely was his father present. Xlatem's father was an adventurer who traveled far from home and came back only so often. Xlatem was only 8 when what happened next would alter his entire life.

He woke from his sleep, smelling a burning aroma around his house, this causing the child to go off and explore what was happening. His door swung open with his mother coming through it and shutting it tight. He could see the grieve and terror in his mother's green hues, the same ones he bared. She quickly grabbed a bag from his closet, packing it with what she thought was necessary and told him to escape through his window. The boy protested for his mother to come along but she knew she couldn't, it was almost too late. With tears rolling down his cheeks he ran from his home, only to observe other houses ablaze!

He ran as fast as he could, along the way hearing shrieks from various households, obvious they're were being raided, and his little town was being pillaged. His legs carried him so far until he could no longer go on, though he was approaching a new city, one far far off from his old one. The City of Vanokya. Xlatem continued his life, always looking forward and becoming what his own father was. An adventurer. Never staying in one place and always looking for something going on, hoping to find and fill the empty spot in his heart for what he had lost oh so long ago. Xlatem has been many places and accomplished countless feats, which is where our hero is today. Though with every light there comes darkness, which Xlatem struggles to maintain the balance between the two.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Hey Metal! Thanks for completing the rest of your application! Your test needs to be a minimum of 400 words so we can get a better idea of your roleplaying skills, and we highly encourage people not to base their test around a violent introduction to their character


Hey Metal! Thanks for completing the rest of your application! Your test needs to be a minimum of 400 words so we can get a better idea of your roleplaying skills, and we highly encourage people not to base their test around a violent introduction to their character

Hello. Ah really? 400 words won't be to hard to scramble up. As for Xlatem's back story, I tried to keep out the gore and detail, but for what I have it isn't entirely violent, as well as the server does revolve around 'mature' themes, as I've seen written in the application page. I'll go work on it a bit more.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Hello. Ah really? 400 words won't be to hard to scramble up. As for Xlatem's back story, I tried to keep out the gore and detail, but for what I have it isn't entirely violent, as well as the server does revolve around 'mature' themes, as I've seen written in the application page. I'll go work on it a bit more.
While it is true the server tends to deal with mature themes, tests that contain villages burning to the ground have been done so many times we try to encourage people to branch out a little~
And great, can't wait :)