Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Xx_UaVrUser_xX Application. [Declined - MRPolo]

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1. Xx_UaVrUser_xX
2. 13 Going on 14, (Please note a lot of people say I'm mature for my age.)
3. Male
4. Canada, Ontario

5a. Yes I do.
5b. Yes I do.
6. I'm guessing this is what you mean! My name is Tyberius Septimus. Since I was a boy I was living alone in the wilderness barely staying alive. During the time I spent in the woods. I studied nature. I knew so much about it. During the 18 years I became a GREAT Chemist. I could make potions that would kill a Zombie with 1 drop. I also became a great archer. 99% of the time I could hit a target dead on no problem. But after 18 years I couldn't handle it anymore. So I set out on a journey not knowing whether I would survive or not. I only brought with me the bare essentials I needed. Some food, some tools/Weapons/armor. For 22 Days I wandered the wilderness searching for any signs of life. But alas there was just me, the woods, and the wild animals. On the 23rd day, In the distance I saw a town. I ran to it, the kind women at the local tavern gave me some water and a warm meal. After that I don't remember what happened but the innkeeper said. "After eating and drinking you sat down on a bench and you past out, you slept for 3 days straight." After thanking the innkeeper and offering too work for free instead of paying her she said. "No, you don't need to pay me anything." With that I set off through town, and paused at the black smith with a sign saying. "Help Wanted! Will pay 5 Emeralds a day." I offered for help the blacksmith said yes. And thus started Xx_UaVrUser_xX's life in the town of Altera.

Name: Tyberius Septimus
Gender: Male
Skills: Chemistry, Archery, herbalism, Blacksmith.
Born and Raised: In the wilderness. I lived on my own since I was 8.
Parents: My Parents were thieves. But often I heard stories that they killed a man and got sent to jail. And thats why I had to llive on my own.
Height: 5, 11
Age: 26
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 145 Pounds
Extra Details: Fast on my feet. Stealthy. Agile. Excelent Climber
7. Well my name is Paul (Last name I won't give out), I'm 13 going on 14. I love model train sets (Bazinga!) I love programming, Network Security. I love going to random webpages and just looking at the source HTML Code. Just to see how the guy did it. If I see an SQL Vulnerability I notify the owner (Without doing any sort of hacking) And then leave the site. I'm Home-schooled. I'm in grade 8 working on grade 10 stuff. I can program in Visual Basic, Python, and I'm working on C++. I can create webpages in HTML Not so good with CSS or Javascript. I'm not an ass unless treated like one. I want to be a part of this server, because this kind of server interests me, and it looks awesome. I was recommended by a few people from another server that this one was pretty good so I thought I'd check it out :p
8. If I post a link you can check out a bunch of minecraft Images. its an Album of 20 pictures some were partially designs by others. Some are kinda mine.

9. I would love too play on this server for a LONG time and Maybe even become a Moderator (Eventually).

10. Of course! Swear with my right hand to god I will not hack/cheat the only Hacking I will be doing is Hacking down trees with my fists..

11. Friends...and browsing I never thought of checking it out until doing research I remembered "Oh yeah thats the server they were talking about."

12. Not yet, but I will!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Could you ensure that every question is written out before the answer?
Other then that, your question 6 is pretty decent. However, you need to ensure your character name isn't Xx_UaVrUser_xX. Remember it's a RP server, everyone has their Roleplay character and that person has a normal... ish name. I cannot imagine someone coming up to me and saying "My name is Xx_UaVrUser_xX."
Other then that, this is quite a good Application. Once you edited those things I am certain you can be approved ;)
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