Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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XxCookiequeenxX's WhiteList Aplication :)

Hello, my name is XxCookiequeenxX on minecraft, and Izzy in Real Life.
I am 16, and I am a GIRL! :) I live in England, near London, and I have read and agreed to the Tome of Citizenship. I really love roleplaying, and have played on many roleplay servers before. I heard about Hollow world through a friend, who said it was excellent, and I am excited to find another great server. To introduce myself... My favourite colour is pink. And I love building fantasy castles and buildings in my spare time on minecraft ( NOT in real life :p) I have a brother, who also plays. But he prefers PVP. I enjoy meeting new people on different servers, and building with other people. I come on most days, but I have many exams, so it depends on weekdays. I love christmas, and giving people gifts, (especially COOKIES! - my name) I hope this has been enough, hope to see you all on the server soon!!! Izzy, or Cookie, XXX :D
oh, and I can't download mods on my computer, as i am on a Mac, so i can't work out how to, and i am aware that they are a banishable offense, and I am going to vote...... right...... NOW!