Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Xyamatosin application [Declined-Abbey/Mich]

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Villager MC name is xyamatosin
2.i am 13 years old
3.i am in america
4.yes i have read your guides
5.i love pokemon and lord of the rings i like nintendo,i have straight a's

appearence;i have herobrines face but i have a hunting jacket with a bow i look like a medeival hunter
-the test-
as i was walking down the gravel road a saw a bright red flash past in front of my blank white eyes as i thought for a second of what it could be i started running after it and shooting my premium budder covered arrows at it ......
(guys sry i suk at stories but plz approve me)

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
5. Minimum five sentences, please. :)
Race: Please read through the guides to find the playable races.
Appearance: Herobrine isn't in our lore, I'd advise you to read through them.
The Test: It needs to have at least four hundred words. There's no such thing as "budder" in our lore. Our server is all about stories, I'm not sure you would enjoy it.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Gloriole has some amazing points.
When you're going to edit your application to suit our requests, please remember to use the (you guessed it) edit button, instead of making a brand new comment which we have to read all the way through. You'll find the edit button next to the delete one. Once you've done that, leave a comment here telling us what you've edited. However, you must reply within three days or your application will be declined for inactivity. Once your application is ready to be approved, I'll ask you a couple of questions about the server. Remember to read up on the lore! This can be found either on the forums or the wiki.


Lord of Altera
You've made multiple applications before they were even ~Pending, ~Declined, or ~Approved. The recent application I've declined has several great tips for you. Please take a look at that as well. :)

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